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Like Peanut Butter and Jelly: Combining Socializing and Schoolwork

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

I know that sounds silly from the jump—socializing and doing schoolwork simultaneously. You probably just rolled your eyes, but I assure you; there are ways it can be done! Here are three:

1. Scout inspiration with friends: This is extremely helpful when you’re craving time with friends but still want to be productive. Go for a walk somewhere none of you have been before or explore a new exhibit at the museum. Snap photos together and compare viewpoints—one of your friends may point out something that you may not have noticed. You never know what will spark your creativity!

2. Set a timer: One of my favorite professors gave us this advice: set a timer for thirty minutes and during that time do your homework. When the timer goes off, have twenty minutes of free time. Check social media or call your best friend—anything to take your mind off of the work. After your twenty minutes of free time, complete another round of homework—the work will be done before you know it. This can also be done with a small group of friends who are willing to focus. During the thirty minutes of work, don’t talk or distract one another. Then, when the timer goes off, you can all go for a coffee run.


3. Have a homework party: I’ve done this plenty of times and I love it! Meet in a location big enough for your group of friends—and don’t forget to make sure that there’s plenty of room for everyone’s materials. Play music and eat snacks while getting real-time, in-progress opinions on your work. I find this extremely helpful because not only can I jam out with friends but I also get their feedback on projects before they’re due.

Those are three very simple ways to combine socializing and schoolwork. If you prefer doing homework alone in your own little world—that’s great too!

Images courtesy of Google.