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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

With summer almost here and hefty load of work ahead, music is always a good distraction, motivation, or solitude. But if you’re like me, you cannot listen to the radio anymore i.e. Justin Bieber, Pharrell or Katy Perry (even though I am the biggest Katy Cat ever!). So if you’re looking for some new tunes from people who are still amazing but aren’t overplayed on the radio, check out these artists!

 Rap: Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea has been around for a couple of years, but people can be unsure of her because she this tall Australian with amazing curves. If you’re a hard-core rap lover, keep your mind open and give Iggy a listen. She has great beats and her music can keep you working all night!

Country: Thomas Rhett

For all the lovely ladies out there that love a sweet county boy, Thomas is your man! You may know him for the hit song, It goes like this, but the rest of the album is a young girls dream. He still likes to keep his songs up beat and when you listen to his music, all you can do is picture yourself driving somewhere fun with your favorite people, all the windows down, and a great time ahead of you. Certainly not studying or homework…

Pop/Dance: Jennifer Lopez

J Low is back my friends! With her new hit I Luh Ya Papi, J Low is back and she is out for blood! If that studying is putting you asleep, turn some J Low on and you’ll be dancing after 30 seconds of listening. Although, make sure you’re not dancing too much and get your work done!

Beach Music: Radical Something

Not a lot of people are familiar with the band Radical Something. They are a combination of reggae and rap, it sounds weird but one listen to any of the songs and you’ll instantly feel like you’re at the beach. These California boys can make anyone relax and simply enjoy life.  

Soundtrack: Frozen

Everyone should be pretty familiar with the hit movie and soundtrack to Frozen. I listed Frozen because movie or Broadway soundtracks are a great way to take you away from things like homework. So whenever you’re ready for a break and need to break out in song and dance, turn on Frozen and belt out Do you want to build a Snowman?

R&B: SoMo

Joseph SoMo is new to the music seen and he’s album has just become available! The name may throw you off, but this Latino will put you in a great R&B mood. He’s very sweet to listen to and not bad to look at either. Although I warn you now, his music is a little slow so if you’re falling asleep, do not put some SoMo on!