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James Simmons: The Life of the Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.


When he’s off the lacrosse field and on the social scene, James Simmons is the guy that you want as your friend. His humorous personality brings the life to any party, and when it comes down to school, James has a clear vision of where he wants his degree to take him. From crazy stories to hidden talents, HerCampus has everything you wanted to know about this campus celebrity.


Hometown? Kansas City, Kansas

Year? Freshman

Major? Advertising

How has it been coming from Kansas to Savannah? There’s definitely a big difference. The place I grew up was like frat central, and then I came to an art school that has no fraternities. There was also no real danger where I’m from, but now I kind of have to keep my head up in the city.

What was it like growing up in Kansas? It was a safe town to grow up in. I knew all my neighbors and grew up right next to my elementary school and high school.

Why did you choose advertising as your major? In my senior year of high school, I was set on going to business school, and then I realized I could find a link between that and art, and still be a part of big business ideas.

What do you hope to accomplish as an Advertiser? I just want to be a part of a business and using art as my way of work. One day down the line I would want to be a business owner who is capable of branding an entire company- logo design, website design, and even social media representation.

What is the most valuable thing you have learned while at SCAD? To not judge the book by it’s cover.

What is one of your hidden talents? I’m a rapper. I was in choir with my friend in high school and he was trying to be a rapper- he called himself Catharsis- and that’s what got me into rapping.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? Senior year of high school I did a rap performance in front of 400 people in a talent show and it went the worst it could have ever gone. There was another rapper in my school, Young Dre Gucci, and I asked him to do a duet using “Started from the Bottom” as the track music. He was the first part of the track and I was the second part. He prerecorded his vocals and he didn’t hear the song start, so he started rapping before the track, and people started laughing. My part hadn’t come yet and I was still on the stage. I didn’t end up doing my verse.

Who would be your dream girl and what would you do to get her? Beyoncé. I wrote a paper about her in my journalism class in high school, and I had a step-by-step of how I would get her.  I know all the words to “Irreplaceable” so I’d probably sing that to her. Then I’d bake her cupcakes.

When you graduate, what kind of legacy would you like to leave behind at SCAD? I want to be the kid who makes everyone laugh at parties but is fun to hang out with low key too. I definitely come off as a weird person, and it’s intentional, because I like to make people feel awkward in a fun way, so I can get to know the actual person they are.

My name is Tiffany Troumouliaris and I am majoring in advertising at SCAD.