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The Definitive Ranking of The Gilmore Girls Boyfriends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

In case you forgot who all our ladies had romantic trysts with:

Listed Best to Worst (specific to the lady in question):

Lorelei Gilmore:

–Luke Danes

–Max Medina

–Alex Lesman

–Christopher Hayden

–Jason “Digger” Stiles


Rory Gilmore:

–Logan Huntsburger

–Dean Forrester

–Jess Mariano


Lane Kim:

–Dave Rygalski

–Zack Van Gerbig


Paris Geller:


–Doyle McMaster

— Asher Flemming


Listed Worst to Best All Around:

  • Asher Flemming: Bet you forgot about this guy. Paris dated Professor Flemming during her first year at Yale. This guy was on of Richard’s pals from back when he went to college. Paris could literally be his granddaughter, not to mention boundaries in student-teacher relationships.
  • Jason “Digger” Stiles: This guy was just a total ass.
  • Christopher Hayden: I so badly wanted to root for Chris. He was Rory’s Father, after all. But consistently ruined every one of Lorelei’s relationships and could never quite figure out what he wanted. Bad for Lorelei, bad-absentee father, bad for this list.
  • Jess Mariano: Ah, yes. The bad boy Rory had to date. He was ok, for a while. But ultimately treated Rory poorly, consistently, and never even said a real good bye. Not great on the communication front.
  • Doyle McMaster: Kind of annoying, perfect for Paris.
  • Alex Lesman: He seemed like a nice guy, just not the right guy for Lorelei.
  • Jamie: Ah, Jamie. Seemed like a nice guy. We didn’t get to know him very well. But he seemed like an amazing first boyfriend for Paris. And he handled her crazy pretty well, so hats off to Jamie What’s-His-Name
  • Zack Van Gerbig: Not the brightest light bulb in the pack, but he was a sweet husband to Lane. Doesn’t hold a candle, er, I mean…light bulb?…to Dave, though.
  • Dean Forrester: The most amazing boyfriend in the world, and the World’s Worst Husband. Shout-out to all the Lindsay’s of the universe—she didn’t deserve that. He would have placed much higher if not for the “indiscretion”.
  • Logan Huntsberger: Just the right amount of bad-boy, Logan will always be a favorite boyfriend of Rory’s. I’ll always be sad they didn’t get married. He defended her against his family, helped her loosen up (a bit too much at times, stolen boat ring a bell?)
  • Max Medina: A great man. The Lindsay of Lorelei’s life. He didn’t deserve how she treated him, but he was always very classy about it.
  • Dave Rygalski: He would do anything for Lane, he played for her mom’s bible study just to see Lane, dealt with the crazy sneaking around and fake Korean boyfriends, ran literally miles to see her for two seconds, and read the entire bible in one night hoping for Mrs. Kim’s Prom Night blessing. And he played the guitar? Swoon.
  • Luke Danes: He waited for Lorelei for years. Silently in love with her from behind the counter. They had their struggles, but he was an amazing surrogate father to Rory, and would do anything to Lorelei from fixing the sloping stage right before the fashion show, to playing free-handyman around the house.