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The Costa Rican Campus Cutie: Andrea Penalba Hostetter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Image courtesy of Andrea Penalba Hostetter.

Meet Andrea Penalba Hostetter! A SCAD fashion marketing and managment student from Costa Rica. I spotted this cutie in my art history class and I knew when I saw her ability to rock a bold red lip on a rainy day that she’d become a close friend of mine! Not only is she stylish and hilarious, she is a great gal pal and heavily influences those around her in a positive way. I’m happy to have met her! Read below for more inresting deatils about this fun, fashionable and fierce Campus Cutie! 

Her Campus: Where are you from & what’s your hometown? 

Andrea Penalba Hostetter: I’m from a small country called Costa Rica and the capital, San José, is my hometown.

HC: What is your least favorite fashion trend?

APH: Man sandals, hands down, I hate them.

HC: What are some words your friends would use to describe you?

APH: Sassy and considerate. 

HC: What’s the last thing you purchased?

APH: My Denim High waited jeans. Thrifted!

HC: What’s one word you’d use to describe yourself?

APH: I guess Passionate! I consider myself to be very devoted on everything I do. It really motivates me to be better. When I set my mind into something I want to do, I’m very determined on doing my best in what I love and what I’m good at.

HC: What is one thing you can’t live without? Why?

APH: Food Food Food, why?? Seriously.

HC: What’s your “type”?

APH: I really like tall guys. A good sense of style is a plus for me. I like guys who are confident, respectful, and playful. I considered myself to be a very adventurous and spontaneous person so I need someone that can keep up with that.

HC: Who’s your MCM?/celebrity crush?/dream guy?

APH: LIAM HEMSWORTH!! He is a cutie and hopefully my future husband.

HC: What’s the last lie you’ve told?

APH: That I was over my design class crush … NEVER.

HC: Best compliment you’ve ever received? 

APH: This is probably not considered as a compliment but when my parents told me they were very proud of me before I left my country. It was the best feeling!

HC: Name a habit you want to get rid of. 

APH: Sleeping in … not good.

HC: What is your favorite app? Why? 

APH: Instagram for sure. I love how you are able to express yourself through pictures as well as using it as a positive tool to do great things such as brand promotion and social awareness.

HC: Have you experienced culture shock since moving to Savannah? 

APH: Definitely! I come from a Latin American country were people are very different. From the way we dress to the way we act around people. It’s been a great experience but also a though challenge for me. Nevertheless, it excites me to keep exploring this beautiful country full of great opportunities.

HC: What do you miss most about home? 

APH: My family and friends no doubt!

HC: What are your career goals or future plans?

APH: Fashion has always been a passion of mine, so for me to be here at SCAD pursuing what I love still feels like a dream. I believe that with hard work and determination is how you get to the top, therefore, I would like to work for a renowned designer or magazine so I can learn from the best and obtain extra knowledge you only get while working with influential figures in the industry. My goal is to have my own company one day where I can express myself through fashion and also create social awareness for the behind-the- scenes work and effort that takes to bring beautiful clothes to your closet.

HC: Do you have a motto or mantra you live by or say every day? 

APH: Yes this is actually something my Dad told me through his life’s experience, which is “To get to the Top, you need to start from the bottom.” I think that if you want to be a great leader, first, you need to understand every work and effort that it requires to get to that point.

HC: Do you have any piece of advice everyone could learn from or benefit from?

APH: One word of advice I will give to anyone, is to not be afraid to make mistakes, and to be humble, because that’s what life is all about and sometimes we are so blinded my negative situations that we don’t see the great things that are created thanks to those mistakes.

Image courtesy of Andrea Penalba Hostetter. 

Fashion Marketing and Management & Fashion Design student at SCAD.