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Catherine Sinkule, The Travel Campus Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Meet February’s last campus cutie, Catherine Sinkule. She is fun, open-minded and always looking for an adventure. Many of her photos show her love for traveling. Catherine’s list includes England, Italy, France, Switzerland, Ireland and Spain.



Year: Freshman

Major: Metals and jewelry

Hometown: Columbus, GA

Relationship Status: Single


Her Campus: Describe yourself in three words.


Catherine Sinkule:

            1. Outgoing

            2. Adventurous

            3. Caring        


HC: What is your guilty pleasure?

Catherine: Ice cream. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


HC: Are you a Netflix addict?

Catherine: Oh yes! I just finished 90210 and now I’m watching the Tudors. It is such a good show.


HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

Catherine: I would have to say Henry Cavil. He is manly, smart, fit, and pretty much gorgeous.


HC: If you were not attending SCAD, where would you be?

Catherine: I would be taking a gap year to backpack through Europe.


HC: How have you grown as an artist being at SCAD?

Catherine: I have become a better drawer. My skills have transformed from stick figures into more detailed, observational drawings. In class, I love looking at other students’ art because it inspires me to do things I never would have thought to do before.


HC: You are a pretty outgoing individual, what has been your favorite memory with your friends?

Catherine: Well we have done some pretty crazy stuff but I really enjoy relaxing with the girls at Forsyth on a Sunday. It reminds me of being back home on the Farm.


HC: What do you like to do in your spare time and on the weekends?

Catherine: I like exploring the city of Savannah, historical squares, shops and restaurants.  Other than that, I spend the rest of time working on projects.


HC: What qualities do you look for in a guy that would lead you to pursuing them?

Catherine:  When it comes to relationships, I have to be with a guy who has a brain and is a gentleman. If he is rude to other people or does not have much common sense I am not interested.


HC: What are your goals after college? Do you have a dream job?

Catherine: I would love to work at a big company like Tiffany’s & Co. after graduation. I want to travel to all corners of Earth, be happy and have a large family.



Catherine says she can usually be spotted at the Hive, the Hive Starbucks and Club SCAD. Be sure to say hi to this friendly girl next time you see her. Find her on Instagram, CatherineSinkule.