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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Image courtesy of Felicia Murray.

Few people enter college already having built their own brand; Felicia Murray is an exception. She found the time and energy to build a brand before she was 18. Felicia started her brand “Felicia Murray” in high school and continues to work on it as she enters college. Felicia is extremely talented and passionate when it comes to fashion. We sat down with Felicia to learn all about her brand, her life at SCAD and advice for aspiring fashion designers.

Name: Felicia Murray

Year:  Freshman

Major: Fashion Design

Hometown: Keller, Texas

Her Campus: What are three words your friends would use to describe you?

Felicia Murray: Three words that my friends would use to describe me would be motivated, humble, and creative.

HC: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

FM: My favorite hobby is sewing and designing. It takes my mind off of things and is something that I am passionate about!

HC: If you could give a large group of people advice on fashion design what would it be?

FM: Be confident in what you wear. Your personal style is the only way to give an impression of yourself without saying a word. Make waking up in the morning and getting dressed fun!

HC: What are three things that are extremely important to you?

FM: My family, my friends, and my future. My family has been there for me from the start and has always accepted my art career along with my friends. I don’t know what I would do without some of the people that continue to inspire me on a daily basis. My future is also very important to me, as I want to achieve all of my goals and aspirations. I work hard with everything that I do to ensure that my future will be worth it.

HC: How did you get interested in fashion?

FM: Ever since I could remember, I have known how to sew. My great grandmother taught my grandmother, who taught my mother, who taught me. I remember, as a young girl, sewing on a vintage metal Husqvarna without any thread, practicing with just punching holes in the paper. I didn’t re-ignite my love for sewing until I became more interested in fashion while attending high school, joining FCCLA, and after winning several fashion competitions through the club.

HC: Tell me a little bit about your brand “Felicia Murray.”

FM: My brand, Felicia Murray, is one that was created out of a tragedy. After my grandpa was diagnosed with stomach cancer, his time was short, and he spent those last two years doing everything that he could. “Tempus fugit” a Latin saying for “time flies” was a saying that was written on his pocket watch, and after he passed away, it was a saying that gave me inspiration to work hard and do everything that I can in life, and it continues to today. It inspired me to start developing my brand as a junior in high school, unlike most who start in college or later. My logo represents me and my aesthetic. It is minimalistic, but at the same time, the words show my determination to be a big part of the fashion world. I believe that the finest pieces of art are developed out of the deepest emotions.