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Campus Cutie – Christian Magby

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

This week’s campus cutie is Christian Magby. He is a sophomore at SCAD who eats, sleeps, and breaths performing arts. He’s passionate and ambitous about his future and hopes to make it big one day. 


Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Relationship Status: Single

Celebrity Crush: Kyla Pratt or Keke Palmer


Major: Performing Arts


Her Campus: Why are you interested in performing arts?


Christian: I’ve been performing since I was 11 years old so it’s something I’m comfortable with. I can truly be myself.


Her Campus: Everyone has a dream job, what is yours?


Christian: There are so many jobs I’d like to pursue but anything Broadway. Aladdin would be a cool show.


Her Campus: What do you enjoy doing most with performing arts?


Christian: Music Directing. It’s an amazing feeling when you see your work on the stage.


Her Campus: Do you have any pre-performance rituals?


Christian: Not really. I usually drink tea to ease my voice and get ready for the show with costume and makeup.


Her Campus: What are some projects you are currently working on?


Christian: I just finished performing in Tarzan as Terk. The energy of the cast made this show a great experience for me. Now I’ve been rehearsing for Hairspray because I play Seaweed. I also teach music at the Savannah’s Children Theatre.


Her Campus: Where can we find you on campus?


Christian: Crites Hall. 

Make sure to follow Christian on Instagram to stay updated on his upcoming performances (MrMagbee2You)