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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.


Name: Elisha Nain Frazer

Age: 21

  normal”>Year: Junior

Major: Dramatic Writing

 Why did you decide to come to SCAD?

I had considered going to SCAD since my freshman year of high school. I’ve wanted to work in storytelling since I was six years old, and SCAD is the only college that I know of that has a Dramatic Writing Program. The program as well as SCAD’s professional creative opportunities influenced my decision. I don’t regret it.

 What made you decide to major in that?

To be honest, it was just right for me. I came into SCAD with the intentions of majoring in Dramatic Writing. I explored writing (gearing towards journalism), film & television, and performing arts. They were all great programs, but I realized that my strength, at least for now, is writing scripts. I’m taking the reality I live in and creating a world for people to experience. Then I get to see my stories come to life? And inspire an audience through those stories? For me, there’s no other career I’d rather work for.

What project(s) are you working on at the moment?

I am the Special Events Coordinator for SCAD Student Activities Council. In this role I coordinate events like Masquerade Ball and Talent Show for entertainment and promotional opportunities. It’s fun. I’m constantly surrounded by talented, driven people.I am also working on a documentary called The Artist Doctrine. It is a documentary that addresses what artists do and why they create art. My website has a podcast that I update every week too with my fresh prose, conversations, and recent projects. I like to stay busy

What is your role? What has been the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome for this project?

For The Artist Doctrine, I am the producer, assistant director, and the writer. This film has been in the making since the summer of 2014. My associate producer, Richard Bailey, came up with the idea to create a short that addressed why artists are essential in society. This idea morphed into a bigger project where we follow the daily lives of six artists and their creative processes.

All of my roles allow me to do anything and everything necessary to make this film happen. I conduct meetings, communicate individual tasks to the crew members, provide meals, conduct the fundraising campaign, fix problems, organize schedules, whatever the cast, crew, and the story needs. Then in post-production I’ll be taking the footage and writing a poetic prose that speaks to the overall message. It’s a long, intense process, but I love it. I love the work.

The biggest challenge was trying to produce this film in France. During winter quarter I did a study abroad program in Lacoste, France. I needed to keep in touch with my team for pre-production. It was a lot of Skype, Google Documents, and Facebook messages but hey, you have to do what you got to do.

Do you think you’ve learned or are learning certain skills that you could utilize in your future endeavors? If so, what skills?

Oh yes. And I’m grateful for that. Besides the skills above, I’ve especially learned how to balance my schedule between extra-curricular activities and school. The Artist Doctrine is a project I’m doing on the side. Nothing is driving me to do it besides passion. When I’m building my career I’ll be working on my creative work and my job that pays at the same time often. I believe experiencing this lifestyle now will prepare me for life after college.

What would be your ideal job?

My ideal job is to have my own production company. Process is everything when creative ideas turn into films. I want to be a resource for those who have great ideas and need help to see that idea executed.

What is one thing that you’d like to accomplish in your career?

My current focus is writing and producing children stories. I want to write stories for children that they would want to pass on to their kids when they grow up.

Any specific awards you’d like to work for?

I’ve been wanting an Oscar since I could pick up a pencil. Haha, but nowadays, the biggest award for me is watching my stories move people. Every day of work is satisfying when I get to be of service to others.

Marisa Gutierrez is a BFA Graphic Design student at Savannah College of Art and Design. She hopes to specialize in Package Design and one day, design her own makeup brand. In her free time, she enjoys searching through YouTube for fun, new makeup tutorials, researching about new makeup and skincare products, and reading (Anthony Bourdain is her favorite author!).  You can follow her on Pinterest!