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Confessions of an App Dating Addict

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD ATL chapter.

Bumble dating app. Image courtesy of www.engadget.com.

I’ll admit it, I use online dating apps. I’ve tried everything from Plenty of Fish, Tinder, Ok Cupid or what I like to call “Ok Stupid,” and I’ll spare the others. My success with most of the apps has not been a swipe to the right. I’m constantly hearing about new dating apps from my friends back home in Los Angeles. For instance, my friend Taylor said, “Have you heard about Bumble?” My first thought was ‘Does this involve a bee that is going to sting you?’ It turns out the catch is not a bee sting, but worse: girls have to approach the guy first. Personally, I’d rather face the bees.

Sometimes I wish my IPhone didn’t have an app store so I’d stop downloading these dating apps. It’s like going on a magnificent shopping spree only to be left with the guilty feeling you get after splurging on a pair of Steve Madden shoes. At least if this was a Cinderella story the shoe would fit.

I’m not a trapeze artist, so my balancing act needs some work. It would be overwhelming to juggle all these apps at one time. How I approach these dating apps is only using one at a time. Often after one bad date, I delete them, and move onto the ‘latest and greatest.’ I like to think of these apps as a one hit wonder.

I haven’t been so lucky like the people I’ve heard about getting married after meeting on Tinder, but do I really want marriage right now? What I will say is online dating has made me grow as a person  shocking I know  or maybe I’m just a fearless dater.

There was one time cupid struck me with an arrow. I met an awesome southern gentlemen online (unfortunately, not so awesome anymore). He took a job in Nevada and never contacted me again. During the short time we dated he treated me with respect, opened doors and wore a festive tie to my work holiday party. Even though radio silence hurts, I would’nt have traded those two months for anything. This experiece in particular taught me a valuable life lesson. I learned that I deserve to be treated with respect, feel happy and not settle for anything less. I like to think of dating as a hierarchy, it can only go up, and each time gets better with standards.

So hey, I online date, I own up to it. I think it’s better to experience love than no love at all. So be a smart, fearless dater.