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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Recently, I got into the show Lost. I was skeptical to watch it since the series is older and everyone told me to watch other shows. However, after the first episode, I was HOOKED. The storyline is about a group of people traveling to LA from Sydney who hit turbulence and end up on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. All the characters have something in their background to contribute to the mess (Doctors, army guard, fugitive). 

Each episode focuses on one person with flashbacks of what their life was like before the crash. Throughout the show, each person has encounters with others that are also stranded on the island. It shows that the world really is “small.” The show is also a great way to get away from everything. You really feel like you are a part of the show because you learn so much about the characters. 

This show has so many twists that make you want to scream and get your own search team to find them. Someone does make a raft and try to escape the island… but you’ll have to watch to find out what happens to them. ;) People get captured, things get stolen, but they all seem to come together as one at the end. 

All in all, if you’re looking for a new show on Netflix, this is the one to start. The twists and turns will keep you on the edge of your seat and you won’t stop watching until it’s over.

Photo Credit: www.imagesource.com

cheese pizza fanatic
I'm a Junior Strategic Communications major at Saint Bonaventure University, also known as the greatest place on earth. Hobbies include eating ridiculous amounts of food, watching Scandal and swimming. I'm probably wearing converse.