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What Member of the American Horror Story Coven Are You in Your Friend Group?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

1.  Fiona Goode—The “Supreme” Friend


The Fiona of your friend group might seem caring, but don’t get things confused—this friend is the one in charge.  Chances are, this person plans everything the group does together and always makes sure his or her voice is heard. This friend takes it upon themselves to show her intelligence whenever possible, too. She might have your best interest in mind— until someone questions her position as leader, that is.

2.  Cordelia Foxx— The “Second in Line” Friend


The Cordelia of your friend group cares for all your friends and is probably considered everyone’s “role model.” For the most part, this friend is pretty soft-spoken, but doesn’t have any problem challenging authority if needed. While she might not be the official head of the group, this person tends to be the one everyone looks to for guidance.

3.  Madison Montgomery— The “Primadonna” Friend 


The Madison of your friend group spends the majority of her time obsessing over her hair, makeup and clothing— there’s a good chance this friend can be found taking selfies every other minute, too.  This friend wouldn’t be the first person you’d go to for relationship advice—or advice at all, really.  In all honesty, though, this person would give you the “tough love” you might need.  This friend spends a lot of time chasing the opposite sex.  In turn, all the group’s drama seems to stem from this one person.  It’s best to keep an eye on her—since this “frenemy” will do anything to get ahead.

4.  Queenie—The “Outspoken” Friend


The Queenie of your friend group has no problem saying it how it is.  In other words, you and your friends probably consider this person the most “real” in the group. As the voice of reason, this friend has no problem speaking up for herself and others—despite differing opinions. This friend is definitely the most unique and loves being an individual.

5.  Zoe Benson—The “Team-Player” Friend


The Zoe of your friend group is always trying to get everyone to act as a team and get along.  In other words, “drama” is not in this person’s vocabulary.  There is no need to question if this friend will pull a fast one on you—she’s always honest and has her best intentions in mind.  Sometimes this friend might get a little love-struck, but don’t we all?

6.  Misty —The “Caregiver” Friend


The Misty of your friend group is by far the most caring of all your friends.  This person would do anything to help anyone out—even if it means hurting herself themselves in the process.  This person is extremely loyal and doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.

7.  Nan—The “Reserved” Friend


The Nan of your friend group tries to stay out of all the drama.  This person is often called “shy” and “awkward.”  Don’t underestimate this person though.  Sinceshe spends all her time listening instead of talking, she knows everything there is to know about the group.  It’s okay though—this friend has a good heart and would never use this information against you.

Photo credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, feature image

Freshman journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University
I'm a sophomore journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University.