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“Underground” TV Shows You May Have Not Seen Yet

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Trigger warning: minor discussion of grooming and suicide

I can admit that when it comes to a good TV show, I will sit and binge watch that show and that show ONLY. It might be a bit of a problem, but I sometimes find myself getting so invested in a Netflix series that I just have to know how it ends and fast. There are some shows that I will religiously watch over and over again, like Shamless and F.R.I.E.N.D.S. But recently, I’ve been branching out and trying some new shows out. Little did I know that some of these “underground” shows that I’ve been watching have become some of my favorites that I would recommend to anyone.

Zach Stone is gonna be famous

Some of you may be familiar with Bo Burnham from his documentary, “Bo Burnham: Inside,” during quarantine in 2020, but this show of his has not been discovered yet by many people. This Netflix series revolves around a recent high school graduate, Zach Stone, who, instead of getting ready to go off to college like his friends, has a goal to become famous over that summer. The show is basically made up of all the clips that his camera crew got and let me tell you, it’s absolutely hilarious. It’s a must-watch for those looking for an uplifting comedy series.


A lot of people know this one from TikTok clips of it under a slime video. But many people won’t actually take the time to go onto Hulu and watch the whole thing. It depicts what middle school was like in the early 2000s for the two main characters, Anna and Maya. But the twist is that they’re played by 30 year old women, which makes it so comical because all of the other characters are played by actual middle schoolers. There’s friendship, love tropes, drama, and so much more. You just have to watch it and see for yourself!

the mick

I’m a little embarrassed to say that I started this one only 2 days ago and I’m almost done because it’s just that interesting. A very wealthy family in Greenwich, CT is suddenly broken up when the parents are arrested for fraud and embezzlement and they have to flee the country, leaving the kids with their somewhat ‘unfit parent’ of an aunt. Even though the kids are snotty and don’t respect their aunt a lot of the time, they eventually start to warm up to her and it’s actually one of the best comedy series that I’ve watched. GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.

A Teacher

This show is definitely not a comedy, but still a must-watch. It discusses a relationship between a married high school English teacher and her student and how they kept their relationship a secret from the rest of the world, even their friends and family. The Hulu series shows the consequences of this relationship and even though the student “loved” the teacher, he didn’t realized that he was being groomed. Even though this show has an eerie vibe to it, it has an amazing storyline and I would definitely recommend checking it out.

The Girl from plainville

My friends and I recently watched this short series and became immediately obsessed. This show is based on true events and revolves around a couple, Michelle Carter and Conrad “Coco” Roy. Through a mainly text-based relationship, Michelle convinces her depressed boyfriend that he should go through with committing suicide. Between the text conversations being depicted through acting and the reenactments of some of the trial, “The Girl From Plainville” is truly an amazing show. If you love true crime, this might just be the show for you.

Faith Pucci is a sophomore at St. Bonaventure University. She is from Brookfield, Connecticut and is super excited to be a part of the Her Campus team! Besides Her Campus at SBU, Faith is an adolescent education major with a mathematics concentration and is also in Bona Buddies, a youth mentoring group. She has enjoyed writing since she was young and feels that Her Campus is a great escape from life and gives her the opportunity to express how she feels to the world. When she's not doing school-related activities, Faith loves to watch "Shameless" and "Friends" and hanging out with her friends off-campus. Listening to music in the car is another big passion of hers, as well as hanging out with her dog, William Francis. A little fun fact about Faith is that she used to do competitive dance for many years.