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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Sometimes life can be hard. There is always so much going on and so many things out of our control. Because of this, it can be difficult to appreciate the little things we experience daily that make us smile. Here is a list of some of my favorite things.  

Listening to someone talk about something that they are passionate about.

Listening is such an important skill to have. It can be one of the most important parts of any relationship, so when you know someone is listening to you, it can make you feel heard and appreciated. I have found that this applies most when someone is talking about something they care a lot about. I have heard many people describe a book they love or a crazy event that happened in their day, and they get completely ignored, or even told that what they are talking about doesn’t matter. This can quickly change someone’s day and make them begin to question the things that they enjoy. It is not difficult to listen to what someone has to say, even if you don’t think it is interesting. It could be something very important to them that they finally felt they were close enough with you to share. 

When the sky looks like cotton candy

Showing one of my favorite movies to someone who has never seen it /Someone showing me their favorite movie that I have never seen

Movie theatre popcorn

“Look at the moon” 

This is something that my friends and I say when on walks or drives that makes me smile, simply because we see the moon every single night without fail, but we all still get excited to see it.  

Making breakfast with my grandma 

Drives home from college with my mom

When people get excited about animals 

I never had pets growing up, so I never really appreciated them until recently. On a college campus in the winter, you don’t get to see many pets, so when it began to get nicer outside and people would take their dogs on a walk; it was fun to see many of my friends get excited at the sight of the animals, and I quickly began to get excited about them as well.

Getting the first scoop of a new jar of peanut butter

Getting the courage to do something that I am scared of

Giving a gift to someone that I thought was perfect for them

Recently, I have come to get really excited around holidays, not because I wanted to get gifts, but because I wanted to give them. Someone opening a gift and immediately knowing that they love it is a great feeling. It is reassuring yourself that you really do know and care about that person.

“This made me think of you”

When there is a rainbow in the sky

Finding the people that you never get bored of

Delaney Chase is the co-campus correspondent for the St. Bonaventure University Her Campus chapter. She works with the other campus correspondent and various board members to communicate with the rest of the Her Campus community as well as edit articles and lead weekly meetings. Delaney is a junior and is currently studying journalism and political science. She also is a writer for TAP into Greater Olean, an online news platform in the St. Bonaventure area, as well as a captain of the St. Bonaventure Women's Club Basketball team and Vice President of SBU for Equality. She enjoys hearing and sharing experiences with those of similar interests and enjoys being involved in different activities across the SBU campus. She finds this a great way to gain connections with those at her university and in nearby areas. She is enjoys the ability to gain experience and further her knowledge of the communications field. Outside of her time in school, Delaney loves listening to Taylor Swift and will take absolutely any opportunity to bring her up in conversation. She can often be found at the campus Starbucks with her friends ordering a pumpkin spice latte or brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso. She enjoys reading classic novels but also loves watching the trashiest reality TV shows.