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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.


Everyone can admit that there are very few things better than St. Bonaventure in the fall. Butterflies enter all of our stomachs as a new school year starts; we move into a new place and a fresh box of Franzia or bottle of Crystal Palace opens.

One special thing that juniors and seniors can look forward to in the fall is the infamous Bona tradition, Keg Klash. This event falls each year on the third weekend in September. It pits the juniors and seniors against each other by creating a rivalry of East Side versus West Side. West Side includes the majority of off-campus houses, and East Side includes some off-campus houses and the on-campus townhouses. Everyone wears a shirt indicating his or her side, and whichever side finishes the most kegs wins.

Now I know what you all may be thinking: why is this trashy writer bragging about chugging kegs?  I’m not writing about this to highlight on the heavy drinking. It’s all about emphasizing the uniqueness of our school and all of the fun things that we get to look forward to as a student body. It’s these occasions that allow us to stand out from other universities.

When I was a freshman, I was always insanely jealous looking at my older sister who got to enjoy the perks of being an upperclassman. It’s always an awesome feeling talking to Bonnie alumni about stuff like this. When they ask us if the same events are still happening, the answer is always yes; this school holds a tight grip on our traditions.

Keg Klash isn’t the only thing to look forward to; it’s a transition into Parent’s Weekend, which is the last weekend of September (and will be MUCH needed). Luckily, the fun isn’t just limited to the fall. In the spring we have Junior Prom, House Crawl and Spring Weekend, which are more attributes of this school to appreciate.

As you can tell, I’m always really enthusiastic about what’s going on here. The list of reasons to be obsessed with this place keeps going on and on. I have all the love in the world for it here, as should every student who is lucky enough to have the Bonaventure experience.

Photo Credit: Sean Miller

Junior journalism and mass communications major at St. Bonaventure University 
A junior at St. Bonaventure University majoring in Journalism/Mass Communications and French. She can always be found with a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee in hand, at the gym attempting to do yoga, or binge watching Grey's Anatomy with Ben&Jerry's. You can follow her on twitter @emilyrosman or on Instagram emilyrosman.