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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Now I am sure you have all heard the term “everything shower” circulating TikTok and Instagram. An everything shower is mainly known for women, but men can also participate. This shower is a longer-lasting shower that typically occurs once a week where you complete not only body wash and shampoo/conditioner but you may incorporate many other steps too. Some other steps you would incorporate in an everything shower could be exfoliating, shaving, and hair masks or other scalp treatments. Don’t be afraid to play some music or light your favorite candle because you will be in the shower for a decent amount of time.

Step 1 (body exfoliation): The first step to the perfect everything shower is exfoliation. You can exfoliate by using a body sugar scrub or simply use a dry brush. You can find scrubs pretty much anywhere along with the brushes too. If you really want to you can do both. If you decide to use both, then I would suggest using a dry stiff-bristled brush first on your dry skin no water and no soap. Going over areas such as your arms and legs with the brush helps unclog pores and detoxifies your skin. After you are set with that, you can go ahead and use your sugar scrub and go over those same areas until done. My favorite brand of scrub to use is any made by “Tree Hut” but honestly, a generic brand would work just as well.

Step 2 (hair mask/scalp treatment): Next is a hair mask or any sort of scalp treatment. You can find hair mask solutions pretty much anywhere where you can find shampoo and conditioner. Currently, I use the Aussie 3-minute miracle moist deep conditioner and I’m obsessed. I usually do this before I shampoo or condition and I can definitely see a difference because it leaves my hair softer and adds more shine to it when it’s dry. If you don’t want to go all out and buy a special scalp treatment you can simply add coconut oil to your hair. If you do this, I would recommend that you to put it in along your roots when your hair is dry so that way your scalp can absorb it more, and then once you hop in the shower it will be easier to rinse out. You should only use coconut oil if you have dry hair because coconut oil is a more natural moisturizer. 

Step 3 (shampoo): Step 3 is to shampoo. Once you have thoroughly rinsed out your hair, you want to shampoo your hair just as you would any other time. Some people recommend shampooing twice but honestly, I don’t really notice a difference if you shampoo once vs. twice. Just remember when you shampoo it is best to keep it focused on your roots and not at the ends. Shampoo for about 2-3 minutes and then rise out until all the product is out completely. 

Step 4 (conditioner): Step 4 is very similar. Just condition your hair as you would normally. This time focus the conditioner towards the ends of your hair because adding too much conditioner to the roots could potentially cause your hair to build up more grease. With conditioner, you should try leaving it in your hair for longer than your shampoo, maybe about 5-8 minutes just so your hair can absorb the nutrients and then proceed to rinse it out. 

Step 5 (shaving): Now here comes the part that everybody dreads. Shaving is important if you decide to shave but can be time-consuming and tiring. When shaving, you should use either shaving cream, or even better, shaving gel. Just recently, I switched from using a basic shaving cream to the “Tree Hut” shaving gel. Personally, I prefer the gel over the cream because it applies much smoother and it doesn’t get clogged in the razor blades as easily. The only reason I recommend using some type of product when shaving is because it will not only make the shaving process smoother but also helps prevent razor bumps or cuts. 

Step 6 (body wash): For step 6, pick any body wash of your liking and apply it to your body. This is pretty straightforward since it’s right in the name. The only reason I save body wash for last is because when you’re doing all the other previous steps those products will still stick to your skin even though you have rinsed between each step. Scrubbing your whole body with a body wash will help scrub away any stuck product and wash away bacteria from hair products that when sitting on your skin could potentially lead to acne. 

Step 7 (cold water rinse): After you have rinsed off your body wash and everything else with warm water you should take a minute or two to rinse with cold water. This water doesn’t have to be freezing but as cold as your body can handle it. The cold water at the end is good for your hair and skin and helps close up pores that the hot/warm water opened up the whole time. Also, you may have noticed that I didn’t include any face wash throguout any of these steps. That is becuase you should try to wash your face after your shower just so you don’t spread any unwanted bacteria to your face.

Amanda Ippolito is a new member of Her Campus at the St. Bonaventure University chapter. She is very excited to share her writing with everyone and enjoys writing about topics that relate to pop culture, journal topics, and personal experiences. Amanda is from a very small town, Silver Creek, NY. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and her dog Bella. She also loves to listen to music, go thrifting, cook, browse Pinterest, and go to concerts. When not out and about you can find Amanda working or listening to music. Amanda’s music taste varies from artists like Stevie Nicks and Lana Del Rey all the way to Kendrick Lamar and Deftones. Beyond Her Campus, Amanda is her class’ treasurer and is involved in the school’s dance team, student government association, and college democrats.