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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

On International Women’s Day this past week, in multiple classes, we went around the room and shared some of our favorite women. 

RBG, Michelle Obama and a person’s mom were all very common answers. While these are all wonderful, and my personal inspirations as well, I decided to go a little radical and say myself. That’s right, I noted myself as my favorite woman. While I giggled as I shared this with the group, I think there is an underlying message here. 

All throughout college, I have made it a priority to find communities where I am supported and empowerment. I am continuously pushed to be the best version of myself, both in my spiritual life and in my career. 

I founded Jandoli Women in Communication with my roommate, empowering women in our career field. I am the co-president of our Her Campus chapter where I empower women to be the best writers they can be. I work hand-in-hand with the Mt. Ireanaeus staff to create spaces to empower students in their faith. 

While the intentions behind this are always to empower others, I find myself being empowered as well. 

Bluntly, I am just really proud of myself. I am proud of my accolades, and, even more so, I am proud of my character. I work hard and I care about others. 

As great as I think I am on paper, it used to be hard for me to make that statement.

Saying that I am proud of myself makes me feel as though I am “bragging” or being too self-absorbed. Now, I can always make more improvement on admitting my faults, but I am also allowed to recognize my gifts! 

I think a lot of this has to do with being a woman. We are always taught to put others first and be kind. These are important qualities to have, but there is no reason to squash myself either. I can easily have the duality of being kind and being empowered. This is because when I boost myself up, I feel no need to put others down in the process. 

If you believe in God like me, think of it this way: why should you hide the beautiful talents God crafted in you?

Regardless of belief, women, it’s time to proclaim our gifts. It’s time to look back and see how impressive we all are. It doesn’t make you self obsessed and it doesn’t make you bragging. How many times have you seen a man post about his new athletic award and felt like he was bragging? Probably never! 

When I would say “I am good at writing and community building,” I used to feel the need to qualify that statement with “but not as good as other people”. During the 2024 women’s month, my new goal is to recognize my talents, revel in them and USE them. 

I am allowed to be proud and I am allowed to say that I am proud.

Claire Fisher is the co-campus correspondent for the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. She is responsible for chapter recruitment communications, editing of weekly articles, general managing of chapter logistics and even implemented a once-a-year print issue of HC at SBU. Claire is currently a third-year student studying Communication, Social Justice & Advocacy with focus on theology and political science. Aside from Her Campus, Claire currently serves as co-president of Jandoli Women in Communication, passionate about representation in the media field, and is a student reporter for PolitiFact NY. Lastly, she is a content creator and the communications officer for St. Bonaventure College Democrats. In her time away from academics, Claire loves to go hiking on local trails and enjoys talking about her love of music. She is an avid Spotify user, and will engage in any conversation regarding Meg March.