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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

We have hit that point in the semester where our stress levels are at an all-time high. Professors are throwing those last-minute tests, quizzes, and assignments right before finals hit in a couple weeks. It is important that you slowdown from your busy schedule once and a while and have a night dedicated all to you.

1. Turn Off

It is important to close your laptop and put your phone on do not disturb so you are not distracted. A lot of the time, we scroll on our social media accounts and we tend to compare ourselves to others. One of the most important things when it comes to self-love and self-care is to stop comparing yourself to others. You are living your best life!

2. Hot Shower

I’d say a hot bath, but when living in dorms or an apartment it might be a little hard to do, so shower it is. Take this time to wash the 3-day old dry shampoo out of your hair, shave your legs, exfoliate your skin and do your normal shower routine. You are going to feel like a new woman!

3. Cozy Pjs

After your hot shower get into your favorite cozy pjs or maybe your favorite holiday pjs (hehe). I know for me after showering and getting clean and moisturized skin, putting on my comfy clothes takes a level of stress off my body and puts me into a state of relaxation.

4. Face Mask

Detoxing your skin from impurities and dirt will prep your skin for the next day to come. For many people, putting on a face mask is the way they relax, because let’s face it, there is nothing you can really do with a facemask on. So, it makes you have to slow down for a bit. Before you get cozy into your bed, light a candle (if you aren’t in a dorm of course). The smell of your favorite candle will fill your room and will take your self-reflecting time to another level.

5. Movie

Since the holidays are coming in hot, my favorite thing to do to relax is putting on a Christmas movie. No matter how stressed I am, watching holiday movies makes me think about the happy times with my family and friends. Ease your mind away from negative thoughts and start to think about the positives in your life and what you love about yourself. Take this time to reflect in a journal or just in your thoughts.

Going through all these steps will help you de-stress, relax and reflect on your beautiful life. Setting aside time for yourself a couple times a week will help your mood and keep you refreshed!

I am a senior strategic communications major at St. Bonaventure University. I love everything to do with fashion and lifestyle!
As an honors student of St. Bonaventure University, it is my objective to pursue a career that will complement my passion for working with people, my dedication to exceeding goals, and my motivation to innovate. The industries that I hope to make a difference in are fashion, media, and business.