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Six Struggles of Every Hungover College Student on Sunday Mornings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Those dreaded Sunday mornings leave a lot of time for reflection. From thinking back on last night’s decisions, to coping with the reality that getting breakfast means getting out of bed, Sunday mornings always seem to play out the same every week.

1.)  “Where’s my phone?”

The first obstacle of your hungover Sunday is most likely the worst of them all—finding your phone. This is probably the most annoying task possible because it requires tearing apart your entire bedroom—just to find your phone in the cold-cuts drawer of the fridge.

2.)  “Did you see my story?”

Snapchat is every drunk college students’ best friend since we love to document all our crazy weekend adventures.  At the same time though, Snapchat contributes to your early-morning thoughts of “I probably shouldn’t have posted that.”  From sloppy keg stands videos to table-top selfies, it’s safe to say you’ll spend at least 5 minutes of your Sunday morning tapping the delete button.

3.)  “Why did I Tweet that?”

If you’re lucky, your 500-second Snapchat story was your only worry. In all honesty, that’s probably not the case though. You might have been feeling your emotions a bit too much and had a few of those philosophical drunk tweets. As insightful as it may have seemed in the moment, drinking and tweeting about the elections makes for nothing short of quality time with the delete button.

4.)  “Should we order Chinese?”

After you’ve cleared out the mass amounts of much-regretted Tweets, pictures and statuses, the next obstacle is the dreaded walk to the dining hall. Leaving the dorms means changing, washing the beer out of your hair and dousing yourself in as much cologne as possible. While some might opt for the free dining hall food, many go for the more hangover-friendly option- takeout.

5.)  “What even was last night?”

Once you’re roommate wakes up, you’ll probably roll over in your bed and say something like, “Was last night even real?” As much as you might not want them to, your roommate will manage to never let you forget about all the people you danced with and all the exes you called. After some miniature freak-outs, your roommate will calm you down and assure you everyone’s in the same boat—it’s no big deal.

6.)  “Wait, tomorrow’s Monday…”

The worst realization of them all: tomorrow is Monday—which means classes start up again. For those with later classes, you’re just glad you can catch some extra Z’s.  For everyone else, it’s time to hit the library and make up for lost time.

Freshman journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University
A junior at St. Bonaventure University majoring in Journalism/Mass Communications and French. She can always be found with a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee in hand, at the gym attempting to do yoga, or binge watching Grey's Anatomy with Ben&Jerry's. You can follow her on twitter @emilyrosman or on Instagram emilyrosman.