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little women?width=398&height=256&fit=crop&auto=webp
Columbia Pictures / Sony
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Recently we had a Her Campus movie night where we watched 10 Things I Hate About You and it was so fun for everyone to get together to watch the silly little romcom movie. Fun fact, this is the most that made me realize I have a type, oops!

I’ve always considered myself a movie person because of the low commitment. I’ve never been able to commit to fully watching TV shows, but I can commit to a two hour movie. I take pride in my list of favorite movies because I like to think I have a good understanding of what makes a good movie. ( oh hello, narcissist alert!)  I mean I didn’t take screenwriting, intro to film and understanding television courses for no reason. I love to dissect colors, actions shots and camera angles. So, I decided to compile a list of movies I think everybody should watch at least once. 

Little women (2019)

Arguably my favorite movie and my comfort movie. Everything about this movie is perfect from the different color dresses representing each March sister, an iconic Greta Gerwig monologue and a truly feminist story. ALSO Florence Pugh, Emma Watson, Meryl Steep, Timothee Chalamet and Saoirse Ronan all in one movie!?!? It’s such an amazing movie everybody can relate to at least one of the March sisters which is why it’s so fun to take a quiz after watching and really know which March sister you are. I’m definitely a Beth March.

la la land (2016)

The only film that can acceptably not have a happy ending. The cinematography in this film is truly unbelievable and the music is phenomenal. This is such a heartbreaking yet beautiful movie about Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) and Mia (Emma Stone) chasing after their dream in the city of angels. They chase after their dream so much and have so much hope that they lose sight of what’s in front of them. While the film is amazing in itself it’s appropriate to point out that the movie does incorrectly create a false depiction of jazz music for the time period.

beautiful boy (2018)

Another heartbreaking and heavy movie, but truly so beautiful. The acting and dialogue from Steve Carell and (again) Timothee Chalamet as a father tries to save his son who is an addict. The book is just as amazing as the film. One of my favorite movies because it realistically shows the lifelong struggles that come with addiction. Also, it shows how addiction not only affects the user but also family members. 

how to lose a guy in 10 days (2003)

We’ll end on a happy note with this amazing romcom. Honestly it’s nothing special cinematic wise, but it’s a classic romcom full of wit and nostalgia. It’s just such a feel- good and easy to watch movie. You’ll laugh, cry, be angry and then laugh again. Also Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) gives such Her Campus energy like she was an HC girl in college and now she’s a known writer. 

I could go on and on about movies and I’m always down for movie dates (hint hint) and while of course these are my opinion on films, and others can disagree, but no matter what they will always be my favorite. Happy watching :)

Rebecca Schneider is new member of the Her Campus chapter at St. Bonaventure University. Rebecca is looking forward to improving her writing skills and getting to know the other girls apart of the chapter. She is excited to write about film, beauty products, pop culture and so much more. Since transferring to St. Bonaventure Rebecca has become a member of Campus Conservationist, Jandoli Women in Communication and Her Campus. She has had the opportunity to have an on-campus internship in the department of university advancement and write for TAP into Greater Olean, an online news source for the St. Bonaventure area. In the summer of 2024 Rebecca will travel to Sorrento, Italy to study abroad for five weeks. She is looking forward to immersing herself into the Italian culture and relaxing by the Mediterranean Sea. During her free time, Rebecca enjoys reading, going to the gym and if the weather is nice playing pickleball with her friends. Rebecca also loves music and will always engage in a conversation about Taylor Swift, Gracie Abrams or Noah Kahan.