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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

We all know Thanksgiving is coming up right around the corner. Most of us can’t wait to get away from the stress of completing school work and preparing for finals. Over this break, you should encourage yourself to take care of your body and mind. I mean, you’re constantly using it so you should take the best care of it. Let’s be real, you deserve it! 

Getting enough rest

As a college student, I know for a fact that rest is very important and we do not get enough of it. We are always up trying to finish assignments, cram in last-minute studying or watching our favorite TV shows. It is important that as adults we get at least 6-8 hours a sleep per night. Now that we have a break from school and work, now is the time to fit that in. Sleep helps our mind and body reset and focus on regaining our energy for the next day. A tip to use the next time you are going to bed is to go tech-free. Doctors say that it is good to go without using any devices such is a phone, tablet, or even watching TV an hour before you go to sleep so that way your mind can focus and not be so hyperactive. 

Spending time with family and friends

I am sure that a lot of us try to squeeze in time with all of our friends and family during our small amount of free time over break. Especially if you go to school far away from your hometown, it is important to spend quality time with the people you love the most. Spending time with each other does not mean that you have to plan something outrageous and over the top. Quality time should not depend of what you’re doing with the person, but it should just be the time you have together with them. Seeing your loved ones can bring you a lot of joy and just be refreshing because you have not seen them in so long. 

A date with yourself 

Who said a date always has to be with another person? Well, I push you to go on at least one date with yourself. I cannot stress how important it is to LOVE yourself and to cherish YOURSELF. Now this date doesn’t have to be super extravagant I mean it could be something as simple as treating yourself to your favorite cup of coffee at the local coffee shop. Spending a little bit more time with yourself can allow you to focus on things you might want to fix. Maybe you don’t feel like you want to fix anything and instead you want to sit down and create a list of goals that you have for your future self.

Disconnect from social media 

99% of us are on social media and usually quite often. Whether we realize it or not, social media is very toxic and the environment that it creates is the total opposite of reality. We always see people that we look up to on social media. Maybe we like them because of their content, but maybe we like them because they look beautiful or they’re “perfect”. Eventually, we start to compare ourselves to these people and wish we were more like them or looked more like them. It is okay to be different because if we were all the same that would be pretty boring. Over the holiday break take sometime to unplug from social media. Even if it is just for a day I promise that when you’re done you will feel so much better and you didn’t miss out on anything special. 

Amanda Ippolito is a new member of Her Campus at the St. Bonaventure University chapter. She is very excited to share her writing with everyone and enjoys writing about topics that relate to pop culture, journal topics, and personal experiences. Amanda is from a very small town, Silver Creek, NY. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and her dog Bella. She also loves to listen to music, go thrifting, cook, browse Pinterest, and go to concerts. When not out and about you can find Amanda working or listening to music. Amanda’s music taste varies from artists like Stevie Nicks and Lana Del Rey all the way to Kendrick Lamar and Deftones. Beyond Her Campus, Amanda is her class’ treasurer and is involved in the school’s dance team, student government association, and college democrats.