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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

I think the topic of self-esteem is something many girls can admit to have struggled with at some point in their life, especially in college.

I know that I am the least happy when I find myself constantly comparing myself to others and pointing out my flaws rather than what I love about myself. If you are always wanting to change your appearance in an unhealthy way, then you will never be happy. Everyone knows society has its own idea of “perfect.” This can at times feel intimidating and that is where our insecurities come from. However, embracing the different features everyone has is what makes us all special and beautiful in different ways.

Struggling at times with low self-esteem can also have a negative effect on your whole mood. When you are truly happy with yourself and love and embrace your appearance, it really does make you feel more happy and powerful all around. Getting to the point where you feel completely happy and confident in yourself does not make you a selfish person whatsoever. It can be a difficult and brave thing to accomplish so you should be proud of yourself. It is hard to talk about this because everyone should be in love with who they are as a person, but it is often perceived as meaning you are vain or self-absorbed, which is a common misconception that tends to make people back off.

Loving yourself and being comfortable in your own skin is a process that can be easy or difficult for some people. When we are going through huge life changes as college students, it can become confusing. The best challenge is to try your best to work towards becoming a better person every day. I know that I am not perfect and I certainly make mistakes, but I always try to learn from them. So, everyday remind yourself what you love about yourself and tell others what you love about them.

Article by Raine Pfeiffer

Buffalo native, creative by nature.