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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Growing up, my mom always told me that my best friends were her and my dad. At that time. I was really young and did not understand what she meant by saying that. As I got older, I realized that she was not kidding. 

She is truly one of my best friends ever.  

My mom and I have always been close. We would have our typical mother-and-daughter arguments, but we never stood mad at each other for so long. She is the type of person who will always be there for you. My mom has taught me so much about how to care and look after your loved ones. 

My mom is the reason why I am the person I am today. 

She has taught me to walk away from situations that drain my energy. That it is ok to cry, and that it is always important to stand my ground. I see a lot of my mom in me. Other than the fact that we are both very clumsy, we are both passionate and strong women.

When I was younger, and would wake up terrified from a dream, my mom would be ready at the door with a cup of tea wrapped around her hand. With just a simple act of kindness, I knew I was safe. 

I could listen to her laughing for hours. Her laugh is so contagious that you find yourself with tummy pain from how much you laughed. She has taught me the beauty in little things such as when it rains and the sun is still out or when you hold a baby for the first time and it cries. 

There is not a day that does not go by that I do not communicate with my mom. Me and her text at least 20 times a day and call each other whenever we get the chance to do so. My biggest worry, when I left home to go away to college, was that I would not be as close to my mom as when we lived together, but it was the complete opposite. 

Now that I have been away from home for a long time, I realize how wrong I was. If anything, my mom and I have become closer ever since I went away. She has always protected me from the dangers of the world, making sure I never got hurt by evil-minded people that I would come across in life. 

She has been there for me during break-ups reminding me of my worth and those endings are good. Always preaching that while one door closes, another door of opportunity is open. My mom never has missed any of my school events nor has she ever missed out on major milestones in my life. She is someone I know I can always count on. A love so pure that I know that it will never run out.  

My mom’s biggest dream is to see me become a successful woman. I am so happy and excited that she will be able to see me walk across the stage at graduation and receive my master’s this upcoming Mother’s Day.