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Style > Fashion

Is Country-ish the New Camp?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

As the summer comes to an end, I have been reflecting on the trends, styles, and the general impact that the social culture will have on the rest of the year. Summer is the time for fashion and in my opinion, to try new things before you physically cannot wear what you would like because of the not-so-flexible cold weather. Every year, a new outstanding trend takes me by surprise. I can recall about two summers ago when big t-shirts, shorts, a puka shell necklace, Nike Air Force Ones, and Hydro Flasks were the thing to have. To summarize this look I have provided a link. Click here to see what would now be your fashion nightmare. Oh, how things have changed this summer.

With a country and midwestern-romanticization of one’s lifestyle influence, that seemed to come out of nowhere, I have seen the pillars of country style such as babydoll dresses, turquoise jewelry, Dolly Parton curls, cowboy hats, leather, pearls, cami tops, soft floral prints and more. Suddenly everyone has a pair of pink or white leather cowgirl boots, myself included. But this is not the country-western style that replicates vintage country. No, this country, this country is camp.

I have come to my conclusions based on the modernization and personalization of this style. So, for starters, let me explain the combination that I have found. The word “camp” is used to describe extravagant, fabulous, and over-the-top styles. Think back to the 2019 Met Gala, specifically Katy Perry’s chandelier look, Zendaya in the Cinderella dress, or Kendall and Kylie Jenner in their feathery purple and orange outfits. Camp is pearls, feathers, diamonds, big hair, costume jewelry, prints on prints, heels, statements, anything that has more than enough to give. Something completely different from mid-western, or even country styles that are known to have a minimalistic and simplistic vibe.

But this combination of camp and country provides a completely personalized sense of style. That you can take what you want from every style and create your own new fun. As stated previously, pink cowgirl boots. Plus, isn’t personalizing how you dress supposed to be fun? Think about a strappy sheer top with some leather pants and a studded belt. Or a babydoll dress with a cowboy hat and some stilettos. Or even putting on your turquoise necklace with a strand of pearls.

It can be simplified too. A floral cami top with a pair of levis and some pink cowgirl boots. Or a slip dress paired with a flannel or distressed jean jacket. Either way, you are comfortable, this trend allows for your best expression.

And maybe this is just my observation of the latest trends, but I think this combination will do us all well. Think about it, a fashion expression that puts together two styles that we never thought could be worn in the same region, sign me up.

Howdy babes, my name is Hadley Thompson and I am super happy to be here. I am from Niagara Falls, NY, and am ready to move where the Buffalo winters aren't so strong, brrrrr. I am a senior political science and journalism double major at St. Bonaventure University. I still remember my first semester writing for HC, I was the only new inductee at our annual interest meeting! It is so awesome to have witnessed this group of insightful and wonderful minds grow throughout the years. As I finish up my time here at Bonas, I hope to combine all of my hobbies and interests as I step into this next chapter of my life. Because I love things like reading, studying politics, environmental studies, chatting it up, writing, and such, I am applying to law school, eek! I will have to keep you updated. I am super excited for this semester amidst all of the changes, senior feelings, and, of course, to be a part of HC @ SBU! :)