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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

As I wrap up my freshman year of college, I mentally prepare to return home for nearly four months. I love my hometown, along with the family and friends that I will be able to see once I go back. However, I will miss every aspect of the life I have created for myself at college. I cannot believe I have to (temporarily) say goodbye to the people I have spent every day with. I know this summer after my first year of college will be a shock, but I am keeping a positive outlook on what I will accomplish with this time. Below I have listed some ways that I intend to make use of the several months that lie before me.

1.) jobs

One of the best ways to maximize your months off is to get a part-time job. Summer jobs are a great way to earn money for the upcoming school year, or to save up for bigger purchases such as travel or a car. In addition to making money, you can gain invaluable experience. I enjoy having a summer job at home because it keeps me busy and makes me feel productive. An added bonus of summer jobs for college students is internships. They can lead to internships and networking opportunities. 

2.) Internships/ shadowing

The summer is a great time to land an internship since you have months at home without the stress of your standard semester course load. I recommend researching internships during the school year for the following summer. Depending on your school and its internship requirements, internship hours can be completed locally, or for many major companies, remotely. In addition to internships, you could ask to shadow professionals in your field, even if it is for a day. Shadowing people can lead to paid internships or even a career in the future. 

3.) Plan a getaway

What better time to plan a vacation or weekend trip than in the warm weather? This is a fun opportunity to connect with your hometown friends that you may not be able to see during the school year. Getaways do not have to be expensive or elaborate. Try going on a road trip or camping at a local state park. 

4.) Volunteer work

If the school year is a chaotic time for you, utilize the summer months to give back to your community. Local churches, food pantries, and youth organizations are always seeking volunteers throughout the summer. 

5.) Concerts, fairs, & festivals

One of my favorite aspects of summer is attending any outdoor event. Being from Buffalo, I have a plethora of local events I can attend in the summer. Art festivals, food trucks, and outdoor concerts are all on my bucket list once I return home. 

6.) Explore your hobbies

Even if your summers are busy with work and internships, it is important to save time for yourself. Dedicate time daily and weekly to do the activities you enjoy solely for the purpose of happiness. Some of my favorite summer hobbies include hiking, going on walks, and trying out all of the local ice cream shops near me. 

Katie is a social media executive for Her Campus at St. Bonaventure University. Her experience with social media, advertising, and writing allow her to combine her passions and advance her university's chapter of HC. She has been a part of Her Campus since freshman year. It has been her favorite on-campus extracurricular to become involved with. Katie is a second-year student studying Strategic Communication and Marketing. She finds joy in being involved on campus through various organizations including Her Campus, Jandoli Women in Communication, and College Democrats. She is Vice President of SBU's Freshman Leadership Program. She is also a full-time student ambassador who enthusiastically leads tours for prospective students. (Request her as your tour guide!) In her free time, you can find Katie reading, hiking, and laughing with her friends. She loves spending time outdoors, especially in the fall. Her guilty pleasures are copious amounts of (iced) coffee and country music. Some of her favorite artists include Chris Stapleton, Fleetwood Mac, and Luke Combs. Katie will eagerly engage in any conversation about her beloved hometown, Buffalo, New York. She will likely attempt to convert you to become a Buffalo Bills fan, and could talk about Josh Allen for hours. Post-grad, Katie hopes to be using her creative talents towards a fulfilling career in the world of advertising.