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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Can someone explain how it’s spring break already? The term “spring” is used loosely here, but the semester is almost halfway gone nonetheless!

There is a lot of pressure to have a crazy and tropical spring break, but that’s not always realistic!

My friends and I got caught up in the spring-break-dream-trip-frenzy a few months back and very thoroughly planned out a week-long trip to Florida, but, naturally, it didn’t work out. So, here’s what I’ll be up to instead…


Starting spring break off strong down in Virginia Beach! Of course, it’s for a track meet, so I will have a limited amount of fun, but the experience is cool nonetheless.

After a grueling 11-hour bus ride (which I am currently writing this article on), I get to race a crazy fast mile with wildly talented girls at A10s and then drive back home to New Jersey with my parents. It doesn’t sound appealing, but I promise it’s not that bad.


I miss my sisters! I am very excited to see them for a few days. When I’m home, I’m going to take my younger sister prom dress shopping, which will probably be more stressful than enjoyable, but I can hope for the best.

I am a little bit of a liar because I am actually going on a spring break trip and there is a beach, but it will not be warm. My twin sister goes to school in North Carolina so I’m flying down with one of my friends to spend a few days with her. I am beyond excited!

I can’t wait to meet all her friends and have a good time with her. It’s going to be an amazing weekend.


I devoured the first two seasons of Love is Blind on Netflix but have not seen the seasons since then. However, I keep on getting drama updates on season 6 on Instagram, and it’s extremely enticing.

Every year I plan on watching The Bachelor, but I forget and then feel overwhelmed by the prospect of catching up. Instead, I’ll binge Love is Blind and get my reality TV fix.


I am determined to get an A in microeconomics this semester. I’m considering economics as a minor, so this class is sort of a test run.

 I set a goal to study at least half an hour a day for econ, but I have not been keeping up with it. Spring break will be my time to catch up on that and then we’ll get back on that goal in March!

I did very well on the first test, but the material is only going to get harder. So, I will be spending a few hours a day taking practice tests and reading the textbooks to prepare for our next exam.


I have been sick since I got back from winter break, and I’m over it! Admittedly, it is partially self-inflicted because I do not drink water or sleep.

As much as I try to get eight hours of sleep, I always fall short. Quality sleep is really important to me, and I have been majorly lacking. So, I am craving to rot for a day at two at home. I’m very ready to give my body and mind some much-needed rest.

Meghan Lex is a freshman at St. Bonaventure University from New Jersey. She is a new member at Her Campus SBU, but plans to write pieces surrounding mental health, entertainment, and campus life! She currently studies communications. Technically, she's a "Undeclared Communications" major at the moment because it gives her the opportunity to explore all of the different aspects of the field! As a freshman, she is extremely excited to try new things, and sign up for different clubs and experiences on campus. Evidently, she is a part of the women's cross country and track team, SBU@SPCA, Freshman Leadership Program, and the Student Athletes Wellness Club.