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Here’s How Much I Spent My First Semester of College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Before starting college, people would warn me about the insane amount of money they spent first semester. I was stressed. Is it really necessary? Are they just frivolous spenders? 

I decided to track everything I spent my first semester of college to find out for myself. Excluding tuition and room and board, I found out that it really isn’t necessary to spend upwards of $1000 just to have a good time. 

While I was pretty close, I added up all of purchases and found that I spent a total of $774 last semester. Here’s a breakdown of what I spent it on…

FOOD- $244

I split this one into two categories to keep myself a little more organized and provide a little more insight as to where I dropped $250.

Groceries- $89

This number was surprisingly low because I felt like I ate a lot when I was in my room and kept a lot of snacks in my bag so much so that I feel like it’s wrong. 

Although, maybe a pack of Babybel cheese, a box of crackers, and a 40-count pack of rice crispy treats don’t cost as much as I feel like they do? I do smuggle a considerable amount of fruit and bagels from the dining hall on the daily. 

Dining out- $155

Probably 30% of this is for tipping because I know that the people I’m out with are poor tippers, and I always feel an overwhelming amount of guilt for just existing in a restaurant. 

Clearly, I hate going out to eat. So, I tried to avoid going out when my friends went. However, by the end of the semester, the thought of eating hickey food 3 times a day 7 times a week was debilitating. So, I made a lot of Subway runs during finals week.


I am very proud of myself for this one. I am generally very happy with my wardrobe, so I try not to buy clothes, but it can be hard sometimes! 

Although, $50 of the $85 was from a thrift haul and Marshall run when I was home. My other biggest accomplishment last semester was spending $15 in total on a formal dress. Call me thrifty, I guess!


This one is on me. What should have been a measly $35 more than doubled when I reassured my friends that they didn’t need to pay me back.

Do I regret it? Kind of, yes. However, it felt like the right thing to do at the time because they do drive me around quite a bit and I did cause my one friend quite a bit of trouble at the event in question.

 But, in the future, I will not let my guilt hand over $40 because that is way too much, even for their valiant efforts.


I included things like a new perfume, laptop charger, earrings and gifts for my sister and mom in this category. I pretty much refrained from online shopping for things other than clothes because having to wait 2 weeks for it to arrive in Olean is pretty unappealing!


This category includes any toiletry refills from the beginning of the semester. I had to restock my pricey mouthwash twice as well as razors and other odds and ends.

All these purchases amount to $744. I’m not quite sure if this is an appropriate amount to spend in a 4-month period. However, I feel like it wasn’t an unreasonable amount. We’ll have to compare at the end of this semester to see!

Meghan Lex is a freshman at St. Bonaventure University from New Jersey. She is a new member at Her Campus SBU, but plans to write pieces surrounding mental health, entertainment, and campus life! She currently studies communications. Technically, she's a "Undeclared Communications" major at the moment because it gives her the opportunity to explore all of the different aspects of the field! As a freshman, she is extremely excited to try new things, and sign up for different clubs and experiences on campus. Evidently, she is a part of the women's cross country and track team, SBU@SPCA, Freshman Leadership Program, and the Student Athletes Wellness Club.