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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Sunday scaries? No summer scaries.  

I am a creature of habit, so when I have three or four months of pure freedom with no academic responsibilities, I get a little freaked out. This is something I have always experienced because for my entire life I have loved school.  

But recently I am trying to let go of my love for routine and I am trying to be more “go with the flow.” I would say it is going okay but I did have a full mental breakdown last night about only having one year of college left. Oops! Give me a break, I am in my luteal phase.  

Each summer I find ways to be spontaneous whether it is a last-second camping trip or trip to the city. This summer I will be travelling to Italy for five weeks without my family and with no travelling abroad experience. Italy will be my true test when it comes to trying to let go of routine and being in control.  

Italy, ahhh what a dream. I have always wanted to travel abroad, and my top three places are Italy, Germany and Australia, so at my new age of 21 I am so excited to mark one of my top three places off my bucket list.  

Venturing off to Italy this summer is not the only way I am going to try and occupy myself. I love love love to keep myself busy so of course I took up a spontaneous job offer as a server. I have never worked at a restaurant before so going in for my first day was a little intimidating, but I recovered quickly. I have always loved working, so I am honestly pretty excited to work two jobs before and after Italy. 

One last way I fight off the summer scaries is through play time. Yes, you heard me. Schedule in daily play time. It is summer, you need to play! My favorite activities for playing are swimming, walking/hiking or going to play pickleball. Pickleball and swimming became my two passions last summer and it is because I hate working out. I try to like it, but if I am being candid, I hate it. So, I try and find activities that are both fun and a form of exercise.  

So that is what I will be up to this summer; pickleball, working and relaxing in Italy. Hopefully, I will not experience any summer scaries, but who knows what August will bring. Considering in August I will be starting my final year of college, maybe then the summer scaries will turn into post-undergraduate scaries.  

Anyways, until the fall! 



Rebecca Schneider is new member of the Her Campus chapter at St. Bonaventure University. Rebecca is looking forward to improving her writing skills and getting to know the other girls apart of the chapter. She is excited to write about film, beauty products, pop culture and so much more. Since transferring to St. Bonaventure Rebecca has become a member of Campus Conservationist, Jandoli Women in Communication and Her Campus. She has had the opportunity to have an on-campus internship in the department of university advancement and write for TAP into Greater Olean, an online news source for the St. Bonaventure area. In the summer of 2024 Rebecca will travel to Sorrento, Italy to study abroad for five weeks. She is looking forward to immersing herself into the Italian culture and relaxing by the Mediterranean Sea. During her free time, Rebecca enjoys reading, going to the gym and if the weather is nice playing pickleball with her friends. Rebecca also loves music and will always engage in a conversation about Taylor Swift, Gracie Abrams or Noah Kahan.