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The Lalatennis Shoes Grass
The Lalatennis Shoes Grass
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Style > Fashion

Essential Shoes for Your College Wardrobe

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

As a college student, there are tons of different outfits you wear for many different occasions. There are your lounging outfits for days where you just hang out in your dorm. There are workout outfits for the times you grind out a workout in the gym. There are professional outfits for the big presentations you give. There are fun outfits for spending a night out on the town.  

What pulls all of these outfits together? The right pair of shoes. Here’s a list of all the essential shoes you should have in your closet for every occasion that’ll pop up. 

College shoes can be broken down into a few different categories. First, you have dorm shoes which are simply shoes you wear around your residence hall.

  1. Shower shoes. These are necessary for communal showers. You don’t want to shower barefooted.

2. A pair of easy on shoes like slides, crocs or sandals. These are for walking to the communal bathrooms, doing laundry, going to the microwave or printer.

3. Slippers strictly for your dorm room. You don’t wear them outside the dorm room and get dirty in the bathroom or muddy in the hallways of the dorm building.

Next, you have class shoes, shoes that you wear to class. Now there are different shoes that are necessary for different seasons.

  1. Sandals or sneakers. Like Birkenstocks Arizonas or Clogs, Reebok Vintage Club C sneakers, etc…At the beginning of the semester, a pair of comfy sandals or sneakers do the trick.

2. Warm shoes or boots like Uggs or Ugg slippers. As it starts to get colder, warmer boots work well to keep your feet warm.

3. Snow boots. Then you’ll need snow boots for the winter month, something with good traction so you don’t slip and fall on the ice.

4. Rain boots. In spring a pair of quality rain boots are a must. There are so many puddles on campus, you don’t want to have soaking-wet sneakers and socks throughout the day.  

5. A good pair of sneakers for the gym. Some people like to run so they need running shoes. Others like to lift and use flat-bottomed shoes.

You’ll also need some fancier shoes. You never know when a professor will require formal dress for a class presentation. Also, ceremonies and events pop up such as honor society inductions and networking events where you have to dress up.

  1. A comfortable pair of flats is a must-have.

2. A pair of comfy neutral heels is needed for any dressier school events or any club formals you may attend. 

Going out shoes is its own category. Find a pair that you’re fine with getting ruined. House parties can get gross, and walking around will get your shoes dirtier.

  1. Sneakers. Find a pair of sturdy sneakers that you designate as you’re going out shoe, and make sure you’re fine with getting ruined.

2. Booties. A pair of comfy booties is nice for bars or parties in the colder months.  

Hi!! I'm Kelsey and I'm a senior strategic communication major at St. Bonaventure University. I love reading, writing, listening to podcasts and walking!