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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Easter, Easter, Easter, the holiday that always hops around seemingly so quickly, especially for Bonas students. Most get to travel back home to family once again soon after our week-long spring break merely three weeks before. But really who can complain about some more loving attention from the fam and some home-cooked meals?

If your experience is anything like mine you will probably be expected dress somewhat reasonably for either church or fancy shmacny brunch with some butter in the shape of a lamb. In return for dressing nicely, at least this is how I justify it, the Easter Bunny still visits me at 20 years old and always brings my favorite snacks, legitimately cans of black olives…oops, and some cash, because let’s be real I’m just a broke college student.

So to help you get into the Easter spirit full of family photos and yummy food, we have set out the perfect apparel plan!

Pastels always SCREAM Easter and spring so they are always a safe bet! 


Such as this cute one from Nordstrom, that also comes in plenty of colors. With a cute overlay pattern it has a fun flare while still being perfect for family events!

Also one of the greatest places for these kinds of events is Francesca’s (which even has an Easter dress sale right now!) With they have tons of style and colors, but here are a few of our favorites!

Truly simple and sweet with a pretty lace floral overlay and is upper comfortable for a long day of family celebration!

Here is another great shift dress, but it has its own style with long sleeves and crocheted flowers.  A little simpler in the main part of the dress but still has some fun!

As you can see most Easter apparel has fairly similar colors but are also all pretty simple, which means accessories are HUGE! This makes it even more fun to add your own flair and fun.

Here’s a simple necklace from Charlotte Russe that is simple and cute that is long enough to lay over a dress to add the slightest bit of bling to a fairly neutral dress!

Yet again with some amazing steals is Francesca’s! They have tons of styles and selections, but here are a few that caught our eyes!

White is definitely an interesting color for this statement necklace, but it’s a great drastic pop of color to go against really any Easter dress!

This pearly white is great not only for Easter but really anytime of year, so for only $32 it’s a pretty great investment!

Last but most definitely not least, we have shoes. Comfy and sensible is pretty high on the list of needs given you could be standing around all day talking to aunts and uncles, before you even get to sit and eat! Heels and flats are both great options!


Nude is not only definitely in right now, but it’s very sensible because you can wear it with nearly anything and for almost any occasion!

Perhaps flats seem like the best choice for you, and cute ones are not in any slight demand! Pointed toes are very popular and definitely add a bit of sophistication, like these ones from Francesca’s!

Hopefully these tips will take some stress off your busy weekend you perhaps have ahead. But remember no matter what you wear, enjoy this time with your family no matter if you’re celebrating or not! 

Photo links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I'm a Junior Strategic Communications major at Saint Bonaventure University, also known as the greatest place on earth. Hobbies include eating ridiculous amounts of food, watching Scandal and swimming. I'm probably wearing converse.
I'm a sophomore journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University.