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Easter Break: Broke College Student Style

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

This past Easter was my first in many years. Growing up I did the typical egg hunt, scoring myself $5 and a few chocolate bunnies. While I miss those times deeply (gotta love free money), I had decided to make up for lost time this holiday. 

I planned out a list of things to do with a few of my friends who were staying behind. It involved a few nights of dinner, self-care and games. I had also planned to watch the stars. 

While not all of my plans were executed, there were still good moments. 

On the first day of break, my friend and I made plans to get homework done. Well — that didn’t happen. We spent more time procrastinating than we did actual work. . . I spent more time looking at my screen fake reading as I daydreamed about time and space. 

We eventually decided to go for a quick walk around campus to wake ourselves, but our walk took us on a three-hour trail around our school. We stumbled onto unknown territories as we took nature photos. 

With the sun out and trees over our heads, it was the perfect day to go walking. We came to a crossroad and had no idea which led back to the main campus. So, we made an educated guess (like the smart college students we are). The path we took ended up leading us to an open field with the land molded into a hill. The walk along the it was the most beautiful and eerie sight ever to exist on this campus (except the walk back at 3a.m.). The day ended with less homework and more free time. 

When Saturday rolled around, a group of friends and I spent a few hours cooking. It was a lot of “Does this taste good,” “I’m worried,” and attempting to keep up with the dishes. 

When the food was done, we decided to watch a movie while we ate. Unfortunately, we are a group that can never decide on what to watch when we are together. I made an entire list prior and the one with the remote was going off-script. 

It took us a new record of 20 minutes (typically it’s an hour) to decide on “Man From Toronto,” the best movie by far! Aside from my 10-minute battle with a hot pan of apple crisp, we were one more movie in and the night eventually came to an end. 

On Easter Sunday, I decided to make it a girls’ day. With the only two girls in the group left on campus, we went out into the warm weather for a walk around the area grabbing a refresher for the trip. While it was mostly silence that filled the air, we had a few conversations about our future and the plans we hope to fulfill. The day came to a close with another group dinner and a hilarious movie.

The last day of Easter break was filled with another attempt at doing homework and filling my day with work to make up for the amount of money I lost buying dinner ingredients (amongst other waste). 

While my Easter break was not the most extravagant, it was calming and allowed me to become closer to a few of my friends, especially with the ones who are graduating this semester.

Hello, sunflower! Alicia Maxwell, meaning noble which she tries to live up to! Currently is a senior writer for the Her Campus SBU Chapter, soon to graduate with her Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. Being an English Lit, she loves to explore and write a range of topics. She doesn’t believe one should limit their skills or knowledge. However, her favored topics are investigative work (i.e., handling our insecurities and housing crisis). Alongside writing for Her Campus, she recently interned abroad in Ireland for STELLARS magazine. For her, it was an experience and an eye-opener. She had the chance to explore a different side of writing (culturally as well). The one article that stuck with Alicia the most was “Eight Gorgeous Irish Markets To Visit This Summer.” Alicia loves markets! Having the chance to explore a few in another country was a dream come true. Before that year, Alicia also served on the college newspaper as a feature writer. The BonaVenture (what a creative name), published articles she conducted on the campus community. Her favorite piece has to be “Campus Community Reacts To The Death Of Tyre Nichols.” It was also her very first article written for the newspaper. Last, but never not least, she had interned for her college archives performing research on a past Bonna Student, Roi Ottley. Her work was combined onto the college archive's website to update what information they had on him. Aside from her work as a writer and student, she enjoys taking walks with her head in the clouds seeing the world from another perspective. She also loves browsing Netflix, critiquing and analyzing the artwork.