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Dancing Through Freshmen Year with Calsey Bump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Year: Freshman

Major: English and Secondary Education

Hometown: Cuba, NY

Her Campus: “Being that your major is English, I have to ask you, what is your favorite book?”

Calsey Bump: “My favorite book is Jane Eyre because it is about a young woman around the same age as me (when I first read it) that experienced a lot of difficulties and challenges in life, but persevered in life to seek out the goals she wanted to achieve. I can relate to her at a personal level.”

HC: “What piece of advice would you give to an incoming freshman majoring in English?”

CB: “A piece of advice would be to really take the time to fully read and understand the readings we are given in class because that is what the major mainly focuses on, and it will benefit you in the future. As a senior, you have to do something called ‘Compositions.’ Making sure to really grasp a reading before moving on to the next is important because in the ‘Compositions,’ you will need to remember and speak about them.”

HC: “Why did you decide to join the SBU Hip Hop Team?”

CB: “Because I have always loved dance, and have done it since I was young. Also, I wanted to get involved in the Bonaventure community at the beginning of my college career and to meet new people.”

HC: “How has being a part of the team impacted your experience here at Bonas?”

CB: “It has made me realize how important being engaged in extracurricular activities is when transitioning from high school to college. For example, it has made it a lot easier for me to make friends; as a team, we do a lot of bonding activities, so I have gotten to know a lot of the upperclassmen on the team. The upperclassmen have been really good role models for me.”

HC: “Tell us a little bit about the next show coming up on April 25th and 26th!”

CB: “As the show is only a few days away, I could not be more excited to showcase how hard we have been working since the start of the spring semester. The theme of it is Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. We as a team have been putting in a tremendous amount of time with all of the practices and reviews to put on a great performance for the community.”

HC: “What is the biggest challenge when it comes to preparing for the shows?”

CB: “As the show gets closer, we are not only working on perfecting the moves, but we are also working on how to really engage the audience. For example, as we already have the dance moves basically memorized, now we are hoping to create a show that will evoke emotion in the audience through facials and the overall energy of the dancers.”

HC: “What do you see yourself doing after college?”

CB: “After college, my dream job would be to teach a high school English class and be able to act as a role model for my students as my teachers were for me. I want to truly leave an impact on each student in letting them know that they can do anything they want to in life, as long as they have the ambition and commitment to reach their goals.”

Photo Credit: Calsey Bump and imagesource.com 

As an honors student of St. Bonaventure University, it is my objective to pursue a career that will complement my passion for working with people, my dedication to exceeding goals, and my motivation to innovate. The industries that I hope to make a difference in are fashion, media, and business.
I'm a Junior Strategic Communications major at Saint Bonaventure University, also known as the greatest place on earth. Hobbies include eating ridiculous amounts of food, watching Scandal and swimming. I'm probably wearing converse.