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A Freshman’s First Semester Essentials

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

My first semester in college has officially come to a close, and I can confidently say that I loved every minute of it (except for the times I fell victim to the college flu, yuck). Yes, there were times that I felt overwhelmed with work or doubted myself, but I was always able to work through the tough times. So, here are some things that got me through these past three months:

1.) On-Campus Involvement

Though some may find this cheesy, I was genuinely excited for the club fair earlier this year as I was eager to join so many on-campus organizations. Obviously I joined Her Campus, but I’m also part of the campus radio station, which I always look forward to each week (make sure to tune into 88.3 The Buzz at 11AM on Tuesdays next semester). I also had a stint with the TV station and the Campus Conservationists to keep me occupied. I truly think that if I didn’t get involved in some of the clubs at St. Bonaventure I would have gone insane. There are so many amazing people I’ve met through these organizations who’ve encouraged me to excel and allowed me to really indulge in some of my hobbies.

2.) Sweet Treats

What better way to wind down after a long day than treating yourself to a sweet treat. Grabbing a cookie from the dining hall, a festive drink from the cafe or a piece of candy from your leftover Halloween stash, are all ways I’ve congratulated myself on being the best college student ever. No doubt, a sweet treat is sure to get anyone through their day.

3.) NyQuil

As I mentioned before, I have fallen victim to the mysterious college diseases that circle campus multiple times this semester. There have been plenty of dirty tissues that have littered my bed and whooping coughs that made everyone look at me strange in the library, but I haven’t lost much sleep over it, because NyQuil is always there to get me through the night. I know some people swear by other medicine to tame their sickness, but NyQuil has made one thing sure for me: I’ll get a good night sleep, even in the roughest of nights, and that is one of the most crucial things I need to be able to function during the day.

4.) Noise Cancelling Headphones

One sure way to lock in and grind out your homework in one night is to pop on a pair of noise cancelling headphones. It’ll block out any distractions, I promise. Yes, I listen to music while I’m doing homework, but that just helps me be more productive. If I make sure it is only me and my music, I’m 100% going to get my work done in no time, trust me. I have the Bose Quiet Comfort Headphones, and they are the best purchase I’ve ever made. However, they are pretty pricey, but there are other options on amazon that are a bit cheaper. Trust me though, noise cancelling headphones are life savers for a college student.

5.) A Traveling TBR

I always carry at least two books that I have been meaning to read at all times. There will be moments that you need a break from your homework and scrolling on TikTok is not enough to distract you from your building stress. Having a hobby that you can carry with you will give you something else to do to give your brain a break. For me that means reading. Currently, “Immortal Longings” by Chloe Gong and “Normal People” by Sally Rooney have been my current backpack residents.

6.) An Amazing Roommate

I know this is something you can’t really control sometimes, but I really lucked out. My roommate, Meghan, is the best person you could hope for when it comes to living with someone. I always know I can come back to the room and vent to her about my day (and vise versa), she’s clean, funny, respectful of my space and an overall wonderful person. Knowing that when you head back to your room after a long day that you don’t have to worry about dealing with someone you don’t like will make your semester infinitely easier. So, thank you Meghan for being, not just a roommate, but an amazing friend I that get to share a room with.

7.) Wonderful Friends

It’s everyone’s biggest fear coming into college, will I make any friends? Thankfully I can say that I did, and I love them all so much. They make me laugh, allow me to confide in them, and make me feel appreciated and loved. Having these people on campus have made these past few months so much fun and I couldn’t be more grateful of them for that. I would also love to shout out my friends from back home. Keeping in touch with them and knowing that they will be there when I’m home is a comforting thought. They make coming home so much sweeter, and I can’t wait to see them all again. Surrounding yourself with people that support you and make you feel comfortable enough to be yourself around them is one of the most important ways to get you through even the toughest of times.

Jessica Wikander is a new member of the Her Campus chapter at St. Bonaventure University this year, and is excited to write on topics such as movies, books, music, and so much more. She is also looking to get more involved in the world of writing and journalism as well as marketing while at school. Jessica is a freshman at St. Bonaventure University and is an undeclared communications major. Along with Her Campus, she has joined other on campus media outlets such as The Buzz, the campus radio station, and SBU-TV, the campus TV station. She also hopes to be a part of the Campus Conservationists Club, and the Jandoli School Women in Communications group. Back home, Jessica worked at her local public library for two and half years where she grew to love being surrounded by people who shared the same love of books and writing as her. On her own time, Jessica enjoys reading. She is a lover of classic literature, fantasy, and literary fiction. She also loves to crochet and is trying to learn how to knit. A comfort show of hers is New Girl, and is an avid period drama watcher and enthusiast. She is open to any discussions on her favorite pieces of media and is always looking for new recommendations of things to watch or read.