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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Everything showers are healing. Whenever I have a difficult day or seek an entire bodily factory reset, my solution is always an everything shower. Most days when I am due for a hair wash, I start to feel overstimulated. I feel like when my hair is dirty, even if I wash the rest of my body, I am still dirty.

I am about to influence you to buy every item I have listed here because I am currently obsessed with every product I use. But first, let me give you a run-down of my perfect reset day leading up to my everything shower. Surely this will set your soul back to feeling restful, and you will go to bed that night feeling the coziest you have ever been.

It goes like this: make a cozy dinner (I like pasta or soup personally), giggle with your roommates here and there, light your favorite candle, make sure your bed is all nice and made so you can hop into a made bed and then get in the shower.

The first thing I make sure to do is put in a Bath and Body Works Eucalyptus and Spearmint shower steamer. I let this steam for a bit before I get in the shower, so it feels like I am walking into some aromatherapy spa. This is especially great if you’re sick! I don’t do this every time, but I still wanted to include it as part of my routine.

Then, I wash my hair. The real ones know how annoying and persistent dry scalp issues are, especially my dark-haired people when EVERYTHING is visible. It has been years, and I have finally found a shampoo that doesn’t make me greasy and that cuts away the dandruff. Dare I influence you to buy Ouai’s anti-dandruff shampoo from Sephora or Ulta? It’s not super cheap, but if you have stubborn dandruff, I find it worth it.

I let that sit for about five minutes, and then I go in with a classic, unscented and plain Dove bar of soap. I won’t hyperlink anything there because you can find it at any grocery store or dollar store. I like to always do this before I use a regular body wash. On occasion, I will follow this with my Bath and Body Works Coffee and Whiskey cleansing bar.

Before I rinse my shampoo out, I go ahead and exfoliate my scalp with my (second) container of Ouai’s St. Bart’s scalp and body scrub. Yes, I specify this is my second one because I loved the travel size one so much I had to splurge on the full size. If you want to smell like you just slathered sunscreen and spent a day tanning by a pool or a beach and want the smoothest skin ever, then let me influence you (again)!

Then, on everything shower days where I do quite literally everything, I like to use a hair mask. The one I am currently using is a limited edition, and honestly, it is not that great. So, let me tell you the hair mask I used up until a few months ago. I used Fable and Mane’s HoliRoots hair mask and I was OBSESSED. It smelled so good and it worked so well for my hair. I can’t wait to repurchase this one.

I have found that having a valuable shaving cream or oil takes your moisturizing to a whole other level. I cannot stand dry or itchy skin, so I really like to make sure I can be as soft as possible. I like to use Tree Hut’s shaving oil in the vanilla scent.

Finally, when I do a final body wash ritual, I like to keep up with the seasons. I tend to stick with Dove’s body washes as it lathers nicely. I snagged a Dove sugar cookie sprinkle holiday body wash to add to my shower line-up until the holidays end.

And I top this all off with a Bath and Body Works or CeraVe lotion of choice with my coconut oil layered on top.

Now, go take that everything reset shower, because it’s what you deserve after the long day you had!

Cassy is a senior member of the Her Campus SBU chapter, where she writes about her journeys, favorite topics, and anything that inspires her each week. At St. Bonaventure, Cassy serves as Vice President of the SBU College Democrats chapter and as a Student Ambassador for admissions. She is also an active member of SBU's EMPOWER club. Cassy is double-majoring in Adolescence Education and History. Cassy credits her supportive "Ad-Ed" cohort for being her rock throughout her college journey. When sheā€™s not on campus, Cassy resides in the Finger Lakes area, where she enjoys substitute teaching and working alongside her former teachers while building connections with students. During the summer, she loves attending country concerts at her favorite venue on Canandaigua Lake, CMAC. Cassy is often found curating her Spotify playlists, reading on her Kindle, working out at the gym, or sitting on the porch basking in the sun with her roommates.