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Cilla’s go to products : Youth To The People Superfood Cleanser

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Ever since I have started using the Youth To The People Superfood Cleanser formulated with superfood antioxidants from kale, spinach and green; I have stopped my search of finding the perfect cleanser. 

I use this cleanser religiously and it has been so far the best cleanser that I found that works best for me. My skin is a combination of oily and dry, my t-zone gets really oily throughout the day, but during the cold weather my face gets flaky. So it is hard to find a cleanser that would keep my skin clean while also not removing all my natural oil and leaving my skin dry. 

The cleanser is a green juice for the skin!

I have seen many improvements with my skin ever since I started using this product. I use this cleanser in the morning to refresh my face and finish off my day with taking my makeup off with this cleanser while also applying the Youth to People Superfood Air-Whip Moisture Cream. I have noticed that throughout the day my skin does not get oily nor does it get dry. 

Before using the cleanser my face would have pimples in areas where I would get really oily throughout the day. It was getting to the point where I had to stop wearing makeup because the cleanser I was using beforehand was drying my skin and made my makeup look bad.

I brought the YTTP cleanser set that came along with some of their products such as the moisture. I did not notice the results until I purchased two more of the Youth To People Superfood eight-ounce cleansers in the span of 4 months. 

The packaging of the cleanser is very minimist, but still gives off the clean aesthetic that is on brand for the overall product. Which makes me love the product even more.  

I have been getting compliments on my skin ever since I started to use the cleanser. I highly recommend purchasing this product if you are someone who does not mind spending a bit more on skin. I personally like to treat myself by buying skincare products as a way of self-care. So if you are like me, treat yourself and buy the Youth To People .