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Campus Cutie: Catie Brown

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Major: journalism/mass communication with a history minor

Year: sophomore, class of 2017

Hometown: Almond, New York

Relationship status: single

Fun Fact: she is really into zodiacs and is an Aquarius


Class: Intellectual Journey with Anne Foerst

Food: sushi

Movie: “Forrest Gump”

Book: “The Catcher in the Rye”

TV Show: “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”

Music Genre: Doo-Wop

Her Campus: “What is the best part about being a student at SBU?”

Catie Brown: “The people here because they are very accepting and you can be yourself, even though that sounds so corny.”

HC: “Describe your dream job!”

CB: “Investigative journalism and video journalism, try to mesh the two together. I would love to do something with documentaries!”

HC: “What are some of your hobbies?”

CB: “I really love to climb trees. It is strange but it’s nice to be up that high, and it’s like being little again.

HC: “Who is your spirit animal?”

CB: “Frida Kahlo because she is an amazing artist, she is very cool and did whatever she wanted. Her life is really interesting.”

HC: “What is something most people don’t know about you?”

CB: “People think I am a feminist, but I am actually more of a humanist because people get weird about feminism.”

HC: Who is someone you look up to?

CB: “Anne Foerst, a professor at SBU. She is the smartest person I have ever met.”

HC: What is your favorite quote?

CB: ““Existence precedes essence” by Jean-Paul Sartre.”

HC: “What are you involved with on campus?”

CB: “Let’s Talk About It- we come together and discuss social issues. I also am a radio show host on The Buzz, our campus radio station.”


Photo credit: Image courtesy of Catie Brown




I'm a sophomore journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University.