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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

This has been one of the most challenging semesters of my life. I’ve only had 3 so far, but this one takes the cake. I added on another job, joined three new clubs, and started my new major. While extremely stressful both academically and socially, this has been a year of immense growth that I am excited to take with me into 2023. Most of all, looking back on this semester, I am grateful for all the people I’ve grown closer to and the experiences I have been able to have. 

Family & Friends

Without making this sound like an Oscar acceptance speech, I am so thankful for my parents, brother, and all my friends. When I needed someone to put me in check, they always did. When I needed to let loose, they let me know. This was a semester of attempting to balance it all and I could not have done it without them. I am so excited to see my hometown friends for Christmas but I will miss my Bonaventure friends, and popcorn Tuesdays, for the next month.

New Academics & Professors:

Joining my new major, Communications, Social Justice & Advocacy, was a no-brainer. As soon as I saw the publicity for it, I knew it was designed for me. However, in practice, transitioning was not that easy. Meeting all new professors and wanting to get involved immediately were both things that took some time management and energy. I am grateful for the new program that I am in because it has opened my eyes to so many new potential careers and people. One opportunity that sticks out to me is getting work with my roommate, Ellie, and one of our professors on reinstating a chapter of Women in Communications. I am so excited to see where my communication journey goes and to see who else I can connect with! 

Mt. Irenaeus: 

Not only did I live at the Mountain this summer, but I work there as a social media intern. More than a worker, the Mountain, and its staff/permanent community, has become my second family. They care much more about how I am as a human being than the efficiency of my work. During my low points this semester, they could always tell before I even told them what was going on. Getting away to the Mountain for a few weekends was one of my saving graces. Even if you are not religious, Mt. Irenaeus is such a great place to get away and find more adults who truly care about you. 


I am really just proud of myself. I had the strength to keep going academically which I almost did not have. Even being fairly far from home, I stayed motivated and plugged along with my schoolwork. I am also really proud of myself for asking for help when I need it. This took me a lot of time and strength to do, but I had to admit I could not do it all on my own. Thank you all for an amazing fall semester and I am so excited to come back next month! 

Claire Fisher is the co-campus correspondent for the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. She is responsible for chapter recruitment communications, editing of weekly articles, general managing of chapter logistics and even implemented a once-a-year print issue of HC at SBU. Claire is currently a third-year student studying Communication, Social Justice & Advocacy with focus on theology and political science. Aside from Her Campus, Claire currently serves as co-president of Jandoli Women in Communication, passionate about representation in the media field, and is a student reporter for PolitiFact NY. Lastly, she is a content creator and the communications officer for St. Bonaventure College Democrats. In her time away from academics, Claire loves to go hiking on local trails and enjoys talking about her love of music. She is an avid Spotify user, and will engage in any conversation regarding Meg March.