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5 Things That Will Happen When You Study Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Learning a new language, adjusting to a new time zone, trying to figure out public transportation and only knowing two people in a city filled with 1 million made the adjustment into freshmen year at Bonas look like a piece of cake. Even though it was the scariest and happiest emotional roller coaster I have ever been on, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Hey, I am Erin Bilello and for those of you who don’t know me I am a junior at St. Bonaventure, but I am studying abroad in Prague, Czech Republic for fall semester. I have been living here for a month and loving every minute of it. It has been said that it takes two weeks to adjust to a new place and that was definetly the case for me. Here are the five things that are going to happen to you during your first two weeks while studying abroad:

1. Sleep deprivation:

Typically, international flights are overnight. I left New York at 8:30 p.m. and got to Prague at 10:30 a.m. I only slept for about three hours on the plane so it was a tough first day. I chose not to nap the first day so I would get adjusted to the time difference. It was hard, but I am glad I did it. Don’t freak out if you have trouble sleeping the first few nights; it happens to everyone. Usually on the third or fourth night you will get a good night of sleep and the next day you’ll wake up ready to explore the city that will be home for four months.

2. Cultural Shock:

It took me about four days to call home crying which was longer then I thought I would last. I was told that there would be cultural shock, but I really didn’t believe it until it happened. The first day I was walking around my neighborhood and I realized that I could not understand any conversations on the street or something as simple as the street signs. I thought, “Oh my goodness, what did I get myself into?” It took me few days to get ahold of my surroundings, but once I did public transportation became my best friend. When it comes to learning a different language, Czech is one of the more difficult languages to learn. I learned a few key phrases which helped me to survive the first two weeks.

3. Fear of saying yes:

When my roommates asked me to go to trivia night at a British bar on a Monday night, I was a little hesitant since I had a paper due the next day. However, I am so glad I said yes because it was one of the best nights. I hung out with 14 other students who I would end up being really good friends with.  Especially in the first two weeks, say yes to everything. Everyone is getting adjusted to the new culture and to help ease the homesickness, keep busy and explore. Take an afternoon and roam the city with your roommates, or invite your neighbors out for dinner. The best memories are made on the most spontaneous decisions. So laugh a lot, don’t take yourself too seriously and just enjoy being in a different country; – you are only there for four months.

4. New independence:

Going to college you naturally become more independent. Going abroad though is like independence 2.0. You are in an entire new country and you don’t know that many people. I remember my first few afternoons in Prague, I was still introducing myself to people and I found it actually comforting to be alone and just get to know the city. It may be hard the first few days exploring alone, but you will eventually find your niche and the group of friends that you will take weekend trips with or go out for coffee with on a cold afternoon or just stay in with and watch a movie. It will take some time but you will finally feel adjusted.

5. “Holy Crap” moment

You are going to have a moment about two weeks in where you are finally adjusted and you realize that you are going to be living in this amazing, beautiful country for a long time. My moment happened when I was on the tram and I was asked by an older couple which way Old Town was and I was able to direct them there with ease. I realized that I knew my way around and I was confident in my surroundings. Then I said to myself “holy crap!” I was now comfortable with my surroundings, I had a great group of friends, I was over the homesickness and ready to start my travels!

It may not be Bona’s, but it is definitely an adventure!

Study abroad enthusiast, self-proclaimed doctor from watching Grey's Anatomy and I bleed brown and yellow! Go Bonas!
A junior at St. Bonaventure University majoring in Journalism/Mass Communications and French. She can always be found with a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee in hand, at the gym attempting to do yoga, or binge watching Grey's Anatomy with Ben&Jerry's. You can follow her on twitter @emilyrosman or on Instagram emilyrosman.