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Palm Trees California Street Blue Skies
Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus
Style > Fashion

My Coachella Ins and Outs

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Before I start to write this, I just want to say that these are all my personal opinions and I am not a fashionista or anything like that at all.

Since the first weekend of Coachella has come to an end, I wanted to reflect on some of the fashion that has been swirling the music festival. I have seen so many different looks, and some I LOVE, and some not so much. While everybody looked amazing in their own way, here’s my take on Coachella outfits this year. Throughout the years, I have always loved Coachella because I love seeing how everybody dresses and the different fashion statements that come through. Fashion is a great way to express yourself and express your love for certain artists too!

My Coachella Ins:

Long Flowy Skirts

Skirts have definitely been a popular piece to wear at Coachella this year and in years past. I love long flowy skirts because they give 2017 Coachella/Boho vibes. 2017 was a great year for Coachella fashion and I feel like skirts are a great way to bring this era back. A celebrity that I thought wore this really well was Charli D’Amelio. Her day 2 outfit was based on a long black sheer skirt and combat boots and this was so simple yet beautiful.

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Metal Belts/Waist Chains

Metal belts and waist chains have been coming back. Metal belts kinda remind me of an accessory from the 70s and I am loving it! Waist chains have also been a popular accessory because they’re so simple yet add so much to an outfit. I love when people wear low rise jeans or a skirt and include a couple waist chains because it really finishes off the whole look.

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Denim on Denim

Denim on denim will never go out of style in my opinion. There are so many different ways to style denim on denim that it just always can be fresh. Whether you’re wearing low rise jeans and a denim tube top or maybe a denim mini skirt with an oversized denim jacket. So cute! Denim also comes in a variety of colors which makes it fun to switch up or try something different.

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Hair Bandanas

I love a good hair accessory and hair bandanas are a perfect way to include this. They come in so many materials, colors and patterns so the chances to include this in your outfits are endless. You can also wear hair bandanas different ways. I mean honestly if you don’t want to wear them in your hair you could simply tie it around the neck and it could still look good depending on how you style the rest of the fit.

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My Coachella Outs:

Tinsel Hair

I’m sorry, tinsel hair is cute but not for Coachella. Tinsel hair kind of just reminds me of someone attending their prom. This was a trend for a little while but I feel like it quickly died out. Luckily, there were not too many celebrities that included tinsel hair, but there were a few and lets just say it let me down.

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Furry Boots

Furry boots are for Snooki and Snooki only. Snooki from Jersey Shore was definitely one to rock furry boots and this was great but great back in 2010. Let’s not try to bring back every single fashion trend because sometimes they just need to be left behind.

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Cowboy Hats

Are we really trying to wear cowboy hats everywhere now??? Let’s not. Cowboy hats are cute don’t get me wrong, but cute if you’re going to a country concert. Last time I checked Coachella wasn’t the place for most country artists. It might just be me but personally I was expecting so much more, but I feel like half of the celebrities I saw just threw on jean shorts and a cowboy hat and called it a day.

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Amanda Ippolito is a new member of Her Campus at the St. Bonaventure University chapter. She is very excited to share her writing with everyone and enjoys writing about topics that relate to pop culture, journal topics, and personal experiences. Amanda is from a very small town, Silver Creek, NY. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and her dog Bella. She also loves to listen to music, go thrifting, cook, browse Pinterest, and go to concerts. When not out and about you can find Amanda working or listening to music. Amanda’s music taste varies from artists like Stevie Nicks and Lana Del Rey all the way to Kendrick Lamar and Deftones. Beyond Her Campus, Amanda is her class’ treasurer and is involved in the school’s dance team, student government association, and college democrats.