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THE 10 Trending Costumes for Halloween This Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.


  1. Harley Quinn – As the breakout character of DC Comics latest hit “Suicide Squad,” Harley Quinn is the most popular Halloween costume this year. So, grab your crew and dress up as the squad this Halloween.
  2. Pokémon – Dressing up as a favorite Pokémon, Pokémon trainer, or as the iconic poke-ball is one of the hottest trends for Halloween costumes this year. This year, keep your heads up from your phone and you might see some more Pokémon right in front of you! Also, if you like Pokémon, but dressing up as a trainer or a poke-ball isn’t for you, there’s also the sexy Pikachu costume that’s trending for women.
  3. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton – Dressing up like a politician is always popular during election year. According to the National Retail Federation’s 2016 poll, politician costumes are ranked third place among adults. Prepare to see a lot of pant suites and toupees this Halloween. This year, there’s even a sexy Donald Trump costume for women. Make America sexy again.
  4. “Star Wars” characters – “Star Wars” costumes are extremely popular this year among kids and adults. Look out for costumes from a galaxy far, far away.
  5. “Game of Thrones” – As the days get colder and colder, we all can easily tell that winter is coming. This year, expect to see people channeling their favorite “Game of Thrones” character, from Daenerys to John Snow.
  6. Wonder Woman – Superhero costumes have always been quite popular, but after the release of “Batman vs. Superman” and her own film coming out, Wonder Woman is marked to be one of the most popular costumes for 2016. Also, according to the NRF, superhero costumes are ranked number one for children’s costumes this year.
  7. Prince – Many trick-or-treaters this year will be paying tribute to the “Purple Rain” singer, Prince, who passed away in April of this year.
  8. Joker – While lots of young girls and women will be dressed up as Harley Quinn this year, her psychotic lover is still ranked as one of the top costumes of 2016. Women Joker costumes are also available.
  9. Witch – “On Wednesday’s we wear black.” This line was made popular after the FX series American Horror Story: Coven. Although the Coven series with Jessica Lange and Emma Roberts premiered three years ago, the trend is still going strong. According to NRF, witch costumes are still ranked the most popular among teens and adults.
  10. Emojis – Used by almost every smart phone user, Emojis can be considered a big part of how we communicate today. This year, Emojis can also be considered one of the biggest costume trends of Halloween 2016.     Photo Credit: http://www.popsugar.com/tech/Emoji-Costume-Ideas-35781890#photo-35781890  
I'm a Junior Strategic Communications major at Saint Bonaventure University, also known as the greatest place on earth. Hobbies include eating ridiculous amounts of food, watching Scandal and swimming. I'm probably wearing converse.