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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

With every moment, I cherish the type of woman I am.
A woman of value, a priceless jewel
A woman with a golden mentality & a bright future
Not because of what I have to offer
I am, because that’s what I believe I am
Every day, I strive to be that woman
The woman who holds her head high despite adversities
The woman who brings joy with the sight of her smile
The woman who accepts her flaws because they make her unique
The woman who knows she is powerful beyond measure
The world can make us feel as though we aren’t good enough
Men can make us feel as though we aren’t beautiful enough
Social media can make us feel as if we haven’t accomplished enough
As a result, we doubt ourselves; being our own worst enemy
Leaving feelings of being undesirable & unworthy
One way I overcome these feelings we face daily is with love
The greatest love of all is to love yourself sincerely
Loving yourself is to know you are worth more than anything the world can offer
Love is something you actively practice every day
At the moment we learn to love ourselves,
the love we share will feel warm and calming
It will be an unconditional & unwavering love
A gentle & affectionate love
A lifelong & fulfilling love
A caring & compassionate love
The beginning of true love, is a love orchestrated by the sentiment of self-worth.

Aleesa Brantley

Savannah '22

Biology Major Honors study at Savannah State University ??!! Class of ‘22