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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

I know it is hard to believe but summer is almost over. Any day now we are going to be bombarded with ‘back to school’ commercials and advertisements. This time of the year is bitter to some and sweet to others. Many students across the country are going to have a tough time transitioning from summer nights to school days. The summer is the the time for you to stay up until the early hours of the morning and not worry about the sound of alarm clocks interrupting your slumber. The summer is when you travel and explore life with no worries of homework or school assignments. Sorry to say, but these glorious days are almost over. 

Even though there are students who are dreading the first day of school, there are those who are counting down the days. Some kids just enjoy school and are eager to find out what the new school year has in store. Among those who simply are about to burst with excitement for the new school year, are the millions of incoming college freshmen. Going to college is a big step and can be scary for some. There are so many possibilities and you can never be too sure if you are going in the right direction. I remember when I was entering college as a freshman and I can tell you that there are some important things that I wish someone had shared with me before I made all the wrong decisions. 


So as an upperclassman I feel that it is my duty to share a few helpful tips with those who are about to embark on their college journey. 



As an incoming freshman, there are things that you have to get squared away. You have to schedule your classes, fill out financial aid, learn rules and regulations regarding your new home and a ton of other things. It is wise that you try to handle all of this before the first week of classes. Not only will it be one less headache, but you will be able to focus all of your attention on your classes. Trust me, the party will still be going on when you finish.



Make sure when you are registering for your courses that you pick times that work for you. Do not choose all morning classes if you are not a morning person. You are on your own now and there is no one that is going to make sure you go to class. Unlike high school, missing too many days in one course could mean an F for your final grade.



Do not be afraid to make friends. Even if you say a few kind words to someone from time to time. That individual could be the helping hand you need after graduation. Even teachers could open doors for you, so do not be afraid to get to know them. You never know who you are talking to, so make sure you treat everyone with respect. Remember it’s not always what you know, it’s who you know. 



You have to understand that everyone you come in contact with at school will not have your best interest in mind. Some will try to sabotage you or even cause you harm. Always be vigilant and never stray away from your morals. 


Although these are only a few tips, there is so many things you need to take in consideration as a freshman. Yes you are going to make mistakes but it is best to keep them to a minimum. It is true, that for most people, college are some of the best years of your life. These years are filled with great people and memories that you will most likely treasure forever. I want you to enjoy these college moments because you will never get them back but I also want you to be safe and always do the right thing. College is not some foreign or majestic place but it is definitely a different world!