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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

To Nia, 

My friend is like a Valentine

She is sweet and so divine 

She is wonderful, one of a kind 

I treasure our friendship all the time 


It’s been awhile since we became friends 

It is proof that all good things do not end 

Our love for each other will always ascend 

A friendship like this is something I recommend 


She gives me strength when I am blue

She is always there to get me through 

A true friend in this life is hard to find

I thank God everyday that I have found mine 


I love the bond that we beautifully share 

Always remember that I will always be there

Through thick and thin always true 

Friends forever, me and you. 


I love you Nia and thank you for being the greatest friend I’ve ever had.


Happy Valentine’s Day


Love, Morgan 

Morgan Croff

Savannah '23

A look inside the mind of a 22 -year-old black girl navigating life.