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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

With Halloween just around the corner, one of my favorite things about this holiday is the costumes. There is nothing better than dressing up as whatever you want to be for the day. As I got older Halloween began to look different in one particular way, more revealing costumes. For some people, this is a night that screams nostalgia and lets them live in their inner child, which others may want to dress for risqué. Those that choose a more revealing approach are often judged and criticized when they too are just trying to enjoy the holiday. It is often women who are subjects of the harsh criticism and ostracized by being calling degrading names and harassed. For whatever reasons women choose to wear whatever costume they choose, that is their choice, and they should be able to wear their costumes freely. There are laws in place against public nudity, which will keep things from going too far as it should, yet the public criticism for shorts or other revealing pieces as a part of Halloween outfits is uncalled for. Halloween costumes are meant to be fun and expressive if they are not offensive. The line between what is offensive and what is just fun is where there becomes a thin line. For example, we all know some people who find things overly offensive, while we also know people who express themselves in any matter without any regard for anyone else. While these two different people co-exist, there should be some even ground for when it comes to Halloween costumes. Halloween is a fun holiday where people can creativity express themselves through costumes, so do not be the one to steal anyone’s fun, judge others or bully. While their representation may not align with yours, that is okay! Have fun, be safe and dress up as whatever you please.

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Sierra Norwood

Savannah '24

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