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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.



 Let’s rid the negative connotation.

The gift of being a genuine person will be returned to you.

The raw loving aura you expel will lure you right into the arms of another.

Certainly there is no Afterpay for the karmic debt that we owe.

A little shadow work and self reflection will allow you to flourish into a proper healer of your own demolition.

The bad however, exceeds limitations.

There are no rules to Karma’s game.

The more you taunt kismet, the more you will reap.

Honor those around you and watch your soul absorb the gratitude.

Honor the nature that embraces you into their home when you step foot out of yours.

Honor the Universe and higher beings in which your spirit is nurtured.

Karma will take care of you, as you deserve.

Imani Williams

Savannah '24

One of the newest members of the HerCampus Savannah chapter.