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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.


Dear You, 

I hope this letter reaches you well. I know when you’re finished reading it, you will be shocked and confused, maybe even a little scared but it’s worth it. I promise. 

I know your favorite place on Earth is anywhere where there’s a good TV show on. I know that you can eat a good slice of pizza on any day and be content. I know your curl pattern is 4A and thick as hell. And I know you’re really calm before you get mad. 

I know you hate when people call you short because you hate to think so small. I know you hate to ask for help and that you’re stubborn. I know you hate that you can’t be there for everybody all the time. And I know you hate the idea of being average.

Truth is, you are far from anything average. And most definitely anything but small. 

You are everything. 


I love you. 


Will you be my valentine?

I have a lot to say, so I put it in writing 🤎