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Your Weekly Workout with Sarah and Rachel- Week 12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

It’s finally April, collegiettes- which means it’s time to start doing some full-out cardio. This week – running!

Get those legs ready, because next week is biking and ending with two weeks of a mixture between the two. Take care of those legs! Stretch out a lot because you’re going to be sore!

It’s getting hot out, so make sure you’re drinking a lot of water throughout the day and after your workout!

**Warm up, stretch, and cool down each day**

Day 1
30+ min of walking or running

Day 2
50 jumping jacks
40 crunches
30 jumping jacks
20 squats
10 lunges each leg
10 pushups
20 tricep dips
30 jumping jacks
40 reverse crunches
50 jumping jacks
*Repeat 2-3x depending on fitness level

Day 3
30+ minutes of cardio – Get ready for next week and do something different than just running or walking – swim, bike, elliptical, etc.!

Day 4
Pull Ups
DB Row (15s each arm)
Run/walk 1 lap around track
Lateral lunges
Single leg RDLs
Run/walk 1 lap around track
Push Ups
Push up planks
Run/Walk 1 lap around track
Shoulder press
Tricep Dips
Bicep Curls
Run/Walk 1 lap around track
* Repeat 2x depending on fitness level

Day 5
Run/walk 30+minutes (Challenge yourself to go longer than usual!)

Mary is a senior at St. Ambrose University majoring in English and journalism. She is originally from Naperville, IL and hopes to one day be back in Chicago. In the past Mary has interned for Sourcebooks, a publishing company in Naperville, and this past year she studied abroad in London and interned at Parliament. She hopes to one day be an editor in publishing at a magazine or at a publishing group like Penguin. Besides being the founding editor of Her Campus St. Ambrose, Mary is also a writing tutor at St. Ambrose. In her free time, she loves to travel, hang out with family and friends, and shop a little bit too much at Gap and J. Crew!