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Why is my DAD at college?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

This is how the conversation always starts: “So is your dad Dr. Blesz?,” or “Wait, your dad works here?” These are the questions I am asked frequently referring to my dad’s profession at the university I attend. This is my story of how I became the little girl playing with her toys in the back of my dad’s classroom, to the girl attending the same university where her dad works.


A few years ago, my dad, Dale, accepted a position with the Department of Education through St. Ambrose University. While I was soon nearing the end of high school, college was beginning to slowly creep into my mind. Where was I going to go? What did I even want to major in? These are just a few of the many questions that we, as college students have all endured. The great thing about making the decision for college was my advantage of having a father who’s a professor at a university. Since I was a baby, I’ve grown up at college. When I was little, I would come with him to class with all the students looking down at me, and I remember thinking those people were so cool, and I couldn’t wait to be in college.

During my senior year of high school, I was making my decion between Iowa and Ambrose, and I remember it brought so much stress and conflict because they were both great schools. You might think that my dad was pretty bias towards St. Ambrose and gave it a great “show casing,” but he was reasoning with Iowa just as much (It was one of his Alma Maters). Being a college professor, he explained to me the importance of a great college education can be given anywhere, and St. Ambrose ended up being a great option for me. I remember the first day of move-in Freshman Year. Parents were crying left and right because they were saying good-bye to their “babies” that were going off to college. My expierece was half of that. Granted, my mother was brushing off the tearful good-bye, and when it came to my dad it was a simple, “Love you, see you tomorrow!”

                                                                       My Dad and I the day I graduated High School, May 2012


SO, you must get really annoyed that your dad teaches at the same college that you go to?”

“Not at all.”- Me

Being at the same school as my dad is more rewarding then what I expected. He is constantly available to discuss questions I have regarding college, some quick fatherly-advice and even just a quick hello. You could say he is a great resource! Unfortunately, I am a buiness management/ marketing major, so his education classes don’t apply to my degree. I have friends who are currently, or who have taken one of his classes in the past. They enjoy his sense of humor as much as I do. Being on the same campus as my dad has created more oppourtunities by meeting other faculty, giving me the ability to grow my networking.

I never get tired of seeing my dad. He is a great father, and I think that having him near by has definitely strengthened our relationship. My close relationship with my dad has allowed me to be more open about my college experience; which allows his to give his own advice on any situation. My dad and I have always had a close relationship, but now it has grown into a much more mature reationship. Sadly for him, I don’t think he sees me as a little girl sitting in the back of his class anymore. He understands my ambitions and devotion to getting a great education in college. Ever since I was a little girl, I have grown up into this idea that college is a great place to grow as an individual by creating relationships with other students, faculty and staff. I can’t thank anyone else but my awesome, loving dad.


Hi readers! My name is Mary Blesz! I am a sophomore at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. I am double majoring in Marketing and Management, with minors in Public Relations and Organizational Leadership! I am involved with Residence Life on campus, and also cannot wait to help with St. Ambrose's Dance Marathon! Helping out the kids is such a fulfilling thing I have done in the past and can't wait to see where this goes! FTK (For the Kids!)When I am not busy with the mountian full of homework I always have, I will normally be seen with all my friends! My friends are great group of people that I have met here at Ambrose! College has opened my eyes to so many new people! It is kind of interesting to me to meet people from all over; like Chicago (lots of my friends are from the area) and even people who loved in the same hometown!!!I have a huge "passion for fashion." I love to see what is most popular, and incorporate the latest trends within my own style. My style has a mixture of what my mood of the day is! One day I can pull out the high-waisted shorts and the crop top and flaunt my ombre hair, and then another day, wear the classic peplum top, with my hair pulled into a fashionable bun! I love reading about the latest trends and expressing it through my own personal style! I hope you enjoy what I can share with you through my own experiences and stories! Enjoy!!!!
Her Campus at SAU