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Walking in a Fall-Like Wonderland

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

We’ve reached the middle of December, and while our grades may be falling, there’s one thing that’s not — the temperature. In fact, while the average temperature for this time of year is in the low 30s, we’re staying in the mid 50s for the rest of the week.

So take advantage of this weather, Bees! Take a break from all of that studying and spend some time outside. This beautiful weather isn’t going to stick around forever, and before you know it, you’ll be up to you knees in snow. You gotta love Iowa weather!

P.S. Good luck on all of your projects, papers and finals. YOU CAN DO IT.


I'm Amanda, a junior PR major at St. Ambrose. I enjoy long walks on the beach and queso.
Her Campus at SAU