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Time for Relaxation and Recovery

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Well, collegiettes™, we survived!

As I sit here writing, I am in love with the fact that my finals are over and it’s finally time for Christmas break.  However, I’m reeling from the madness that was fall 2011 semester.  Many other students I have talked to feel the same way.
If your semester was anything like mine, just having a few weeks off won’t be enough to prepare for spring.  So many of us have jobs and responsibilities back home that need to be tended to, and it will be hard to take the time to recuperate.  However, it is important to go back to the basics and enjoy yourself.

As we transition into a month’s break, my best advice for you is to remember what Christmas break was like when you were a little kid.  Relive those days.  That is how I plan to prepare for spring semester, and I have a few suggestions for how you can do the same.

The first thing I plan to do is curl up on the couch with my dad like I used to do with a steamy cup of hot chocolate to watch Elf (or any other Christmas movie – see this week’s News article for suggestions).  I’m a total daddy’s girl, and I miss the days when I could cuddle up next to my dad to shake off my recent stressors.  Remember that we’re trying to get back in the mindset of a little kid.  Instead of heading over to your significant other’s house for cuddle time right away, think about your dad (or another loved one).  Chances are that loved one would enjoy a chance to just curl up and feel like your hero again.  And trust me, you’ll cherish the moment too.

Next, I will no doubt need some time playing with my friends.  Number one activity on the list: sledding.  Number two: snowball fight.  That is, of course, if it ever stops raining and starts snowing.  When I’m under the pressure of school, snow just seems like one more obstacle I have to work around.  Back when I was a kid though, snow was heaven.  Making snow angels and snowmen, trudging up a big hill to get the rush of sledding down it, and throwing snowballs at my best friends were the best parts of Christmas break.  So when you get home, dig out your snow pants and boots.  Appreciate the cool air and the red, rosy cheeks that we so often don’t have time for while at school.

My other favorite Christmas activity was always baking with my mom and grandma during the holidays.  Since I’m usually far away during the baking, I miss out on it most years.  However, this year I plan to make an effort to get them both back into the kitchen for an afternoon so that I can enjoy it again.  Christmas treats only come around once a year, so choose your favorite, go grocery shopping, and find someone to bake with!  Even if you don’t want to eat everything you made, Christmas cookies are always a great gift.  Between the baking and the giving, your stress is sure to melt away, leaving you with a warm, fuzzy, holiday feeling inside.

And since we’re talking about food, remember to let yourself indulge–at least at one Christmas celebration this year.  I know so many of us work hard to exercise and keep our diets in check while we’re at school, but letting yourself have that piece of pie, a couple cookies, or a big cup of cider won’t hurt.  It’s because of the hard work you do all the time that you deserve one day to treat yourself.  And keeping with the theme – I don’t know about you, but I never counted calories as a child.  My family usually celebrates on Christmas Eve, and you can bet that I’ll be having dessert that night.

Those are my goals for Christmas break and my best suggestions for mentally preparing for yet another tough semester.  Don’t forget about your other responsibilities, but take a little time to remember what it was like before we were big kids.  Before we had to worry about the next assignment that’s due, scraping ice off our cars, and where money for groceries was going to come from.  Remember the real magic of Christmas that was found through believing in Santa, elves, and reindeer.  Go back to those days and really live during these few weeks of break.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! 

Mary is a senior at St. Ambrose University majoring in English and journalism. She is originally from Naperville, IL and hopes to one day be back in Chicago. In the past Mary has interned for Sourcebooks, a publishing company in Naperville, and this past year she studied abroad in London and interned at Parliament. She hopes to one day be an editor in publishing at a magazine or at a publishing group like Penguin. Besides being the founding editor of Her Campus St. Ambrose, Mary is also a writing tutor at St. Ambrose. In her free time, she loves to travel, hang out with family and friends, and shop a little bit too much at Gap and J. Crew!